Hi ladies! Sort of an intro question. I am 19 weeks with my 2nd. My DS was born healthy and happy but I could not satisfy him. He was always crying, even in the hospital unless he was nursing. We (LC and I) thought when my milk came in I would be fine but my milk never really came in. (Obviously it did but I was never engorged or even got any bigger. The only reason I noticed my milk was in was a single drop when I was pumping-to bring my milk in). I tried pumping after every feeding, fenugreek and had my thyroid tested (I am hypo) but nothing worked. The lc said it just might be I don't have enough glandular tissue. I did pump some milk for 4 months but some days I was just pumping a half an ounce for the whole day.
This time I have done a ton of research. I read Making more milk as well as a lot of online articles that make me think that might not be right. I don't have the classic breasts set far apart or tubular, although they did not change at all last pg. In Making more milk she discusses using alfalfa while pg to help increase glandular tissue. I think I would like to try it but am a little worried about taking supplements. I of course will ask my ob but as with most ob's I doubt she will have ever heard of this. Everything I have read says it will won't hurt but I wondered if anyone had any experience. I also am armed with a plethora of ideas for when lo is here too. Sorry the post was so long but thanks for reading.
Re: alfalfa
Jill (36) Wife to Joe (36) Mom to: Alyssa (forever 10) Jacob (10) Baby Due 12/31/13