
This is HARD!!!

I have a 6 week old baby and currently I am EBF. This is so hard, I commend all the moms that BF for so long. We have the actual feeding down (latch etc). I'm struggling with feeling so confined (diet, socially etc) I'm the only one who can do the feedings at night and can't leave for more then 3-4 hrs if that. Believe me I am grateful I can provide for my baby as I know many women struggle with this and i do feel guilty....anyone else in this boat?
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Re: This is HARD!!!

  • it is really hard at the beginning! it does feel really confining, and like you don't do anything except feed the baby. it does get easier, though-- i felt that the first 6 weeks or so were the hardest. it is overwhelming in the early months, but it does pay off later-- i think BFing gets easier and easier the longer you do it. i think putting in the time in the early months ends up saving you time later. but also, newborns are demanding, period, whether or not you are BFing. once your LO is more interactive it is so much more rewarding. hang in there! you're doing a great thing for your LO. :)
  • I remember crying to my husband in the early days. I was in pain and sleep deprived. But it got better for me, and most moms will tell you that it only gets better. And the way that I have been looking at it is: it's only a year (or whatever your personal goal may be - I started with weekly goals). That's a short time for me in the big picture. Eventually, they wake less during the night and you may start feeling more comfortable nursing wherever you want. I've nursed the baby in a carrier while walking around a baseball game - that was HUGE for me! I used to hide in the beginning, but even when I did that, I enjoyed some quite time with my baby (he's my second). I gave up quickly with my first son and I'm glad that I've kept going with DS2. He just turned 8 months and I can't believe I've made it this long. I am seeing the light at the end of the tunnel where I won't have to wear nursing bras and chose every outfit based on how I will/won't be able to nurse. I guess I don't understand the diet restriction... I eat whatever I want, drink coffee in the morning, and have beer/wine in the evening here and there. I do try to eat healthy and think twice about what I'm putting in my body, but my diet isn't too restricted. Hang in there and always come back when you need support!
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  • flclflcl member
    I totally feel your pain.  My DS is just a little over 5 weeks.  I never realized how difficult and time consuming EBF is.  Since I'm feeding on demand, he's definitely the boss of our schedule and me.... him eating every two hours to every hour when cluster feeding.  I also feel like there's a new problem/issue to deal with and troubleshoot thru every week.  From engorgement to oversupply with a strong letdown... it's never-ending. This week, were battling a nasty drool rash on his poor little face.

    I am grateful that I'm able to BF and bond with my DS... I'm just looking forward to everything getting a little easier.

  • I'm in the same boat. DS just turned 6 weeks yesterday and although BFing has become slightly easier, it's still so exhausting and confining. He eats ALOT and I don't leave him for more than an hour and a half. I pump a lil extra every day so I do have a freezer stash started but I don't want to rely on that just yet. As a FTM, I had no idea what to expect. And every day the thought does cross my mind to possibly introduce some formula to ease the stress of BFing. Ideally I wanted to go at least 6 months EBF, but I'm taking it day by day. If it gets to be too much to handle, I'll consider formula. Until then...I'll remain attached at the boob.

  • You are doing a great job!! I didn't get the hang of breastfeeding until DD was four months old. She was on a nipple shield until we could drop it at 4m. I finally feel like we can go anywhere and do anything. I fed her on the curb at a st. Patricks day parade. What I was most proud of was it was in a town of a school I worked in 3 years ago so I knew a ton of the kids running around. I was covered up and she eats pretty quick these days. It will get easier, feeds will space out and you'll be happy you're not washing a ton of bottle parts.
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  • Thank you!! Reading this definitely makes me feel better and know that how I feel and what is happening is normal and all of you have gone through it.
    Pregnancy Ticker

  • Yep, you are definitely not alone!  My LOs just turned 5 months and I still feel that way sometimes! :)  But as everyone else has said, it does get easier.  And the time is so precious and goes so quickly.  Keep it up, you're doing an amazing thing for your LO. :)
  • It gets easier! My twins are now 5 months and the first 8 weeks were the hardest. Especially when my toddler was wanting my attention too. But around the 8 week mark the babies started nursing faster and life got a lot easier. Hang in there! 

    Together 6 wonderful years.
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    TTC #2 3 years and 3 losses DX PCOS -- BFP April 2013-- TWIN BOYS!
    ~DS1-Feb 2010~ 
    ~DS2&3- Nov 2013  {7 weeks early}~ TTC #4~
  • Is it a possibility to pump at all? I would say I breastfeed almost all my LO feedings however sometimes I give him breast milk in the bottle. It helps to give me a break sometimes when I am feeling overwhelmed by it all.  Its definitely getting easier but sometimes its nice to allow someone else to feed him and give my boobs a break. I love doing it but it can be a lot at times especially in the beginnning. 
  • I just want to tell you that it FLIES by, that window of time. I remember feeling the same way as you... exhausted and chained to my house. They have to nurse every 3 hours, but my guy would nurse for an hour straight, and then I would have only a couple hours before he needed me again. anytime he fussed, everyone would hand him immediately to me. "He must be hungry." It's hard!

    However, I barely remember all of that now. Once your baby gets a little bigger, it gets so. much. easier. Baby will get faster and faster, and once you introduce solids, baby will start to nurse less often in many cases. Now I have made it almost to a year and I am really sad about him nursing less and less! Hang in there... it's so rewarding and I promise that in a few months, this will all be a blur and you will be a total pro.


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