
Working out (intense) and milk supply ?

dunvillesdunvilles member
edited April 2014 in Breastfeeding
For those of you that work out, do you notice a difference in your supply? I just started a very intense training program on Monday and want to make sure my supply doesn't dip. I've already lost 1.5 lbs by exercising and following their eating plan (6 meals a day balancing protein and carbs based on weight/body fat). I also drink 80-100 oz of water a day.

DS still seems satisfied and has been gaining weight really well so far. Any tips or thoughts would be helpful!

edit: added weight loss number because I know you're not supposed to lose weight too quickly while BFing. I've been told 1-2 lbs per week by my doctor.
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Re: Working out (intense) and milk supply ?

  • Kelly mom has some good info. Ultimately, like most things, you just have to see how your body responds. It looks like your littlest is two months old? Since he's so reliant on breast milk still I would try and start slow to see how it goes and then ramp up.
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  • thank you ladies. I am on day 4 and haven't noticed any issues yet. Hoping I can continue this intensity and still maintain supply.

    #rainbows and #unicorns make any situation #cute. keithcorcoran
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