
bottles for daycare

Hi! My LO goes to daycare for the first time on Monday. He will be 8 weeks old.

When I did a weighted feed last week he drank 4 oz. He is about 11-12 lbs and still doesn't eat on any sort of schedule. He also is inconsistent with how often he eats.

So how many bottles and how big should I send him with?

The daycare will allow me to leave milk in their freezer.

Also he will be there from 8 to 6 on most days.

Rachel (a.k.a. The Analytical and @analyticalmommy on IG)
I'm just trying to make sense of things :-) 

Re: bottles for daycare

  • My day care allows us to store frozen milk as well.  I started at 13 weeks and, like PP am away for about 10 hours each day.  I try to feed him right before we leave the house, and he normally has 3 bottles which I fill to between 4 and 4.5 ounces (depending on how much I pump the day before).  I keep a freezer stash there with a few 4 ounce bags and 1 or 2 2 ounce bags.  Occasionally he takes a 4th bottle (usually when he eats around 6 AM and then won't eat before we leave at 8) and they pull that from the stash.  I keep the 2 ounce there for if he is ever just really hungry after a feeding and needs more, or I have instructed them to give him the 2 oz if he needs to eat after 5:30.  I pick him up around 6:20 and like to feed him as soon as I get home so I can get 2 feedings in before bedtime, and this way he will still be able to eat then.
  • The first few days we sent 8 bottles with 2 oz. each because we were unsure how much he drank. He drank 2 bottles at a time so after that I now send 6, 4 oz bottles and he only drinks 4 of those but once he drank 5 but I always want to make sure he has enough just in case.
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  • Thanks girls for the help!!
    Rachel (a.k.a. The Analytical and @analyticalmommy on IG)
    I'm just trying to make sense of things :-) 
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