My 5 month old EBF boy currently:
-fussy at breast but only at the beginning of a feeding, then calms down.
-arches back if I stop him to burp him.
-gets into crying spells esp. in the evenings and it takes lots of effort to calm him down to nurse.
-pulls away and thrashes around at the beginning of a feeding.
-nothing in my diet has changed.
Any thoughts?? I am so thankful for this board.
Re: Gas vs. Reflux vs. Teething vs. Growth spurt?
Sounds like my baby when he is going through a growth spurt. But I'm no expert so don't listen to me too much. We just went through a growth spurt and he would get so fussy in such a short period of time when he was hungry. Literally light fussing signalling he's hungry so I pick him up to carry him to the chair, unhook my bra, and now he's screaming bloody murder. When he gets like this he might take a minute to latch and then a couple more to settle down/stop unlatching and relatching. If I take him off and he's still hungry he crys and arches his back until I put him back on.