
How long to store fresh milk pumped at work?

mrsdahammmrsdahamm member
edited April 2014 in Breastfeeding
I know the general guidelines for storing milk, but wanted to see if anyone had experience or insight to this situation. On my weekends to work, I'm at work for 12 hours and have a half hour drive home. I store my pumped milk in a dorm style refrigerator then transfer to the cooler portion of my pump bag with ice packs for the drive home. Can I still keep it in the refrigerator the 3-8 days? Or should I use/freeze it sooner?

Eta the reason I'm asking is I don't have a traditional Monday through Friday schedule. I work 4 days every week, but on a 3-week rotating schedule. So like this week I worked Sunday, then I'm off til Wednesday. So I'm trying to decide when to give fresh vs frozen.

Re: How long to store fresh milk pumped at work?

  • It should be fine as long as the milk is cool once you go to put it in the fridge at home. When i was pumping at work, i never bothered to put my milk in the fridge at work- i had a hard-sided cooler with an ice pack. It was always still quite cold at the end of the day.
  • I just keep my milk in the storage cooler all day
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  • I work twelve hour shifts as well, and I kept my milk in the Medlea cooler bag with the ice pack it came with. It was always cool at the end of the day, and I'd then put it in my fridge and keep it for 5 - 7 days. I'd also smell it if there was any concern or question. 

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  • casey78 said:

    I would imagine it's fine.  If you wanted to rotate stash, you could always freeze milk from the last workday, then always use frozen for the first workday after your weekend.

    This is what I would do. But that's because I feel like my milk turns after a few days in the fridge. If I don't know that I am definitely going to use it the next day, I always freeze it. I wish mine lasted the full 8 days!
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