
Bottle recommendations for when I'm at work

Hi there,
I'm trying to plan ahead and buy as much stuff as possible for when our baby arrives in August. I intend to breast feed as much as possible but will be a working mother come November.

Any tips for bottles that are most like breastfeeding? I plan on purchasing glass but there are so many options.

Thank you!

Re: Bottle recommendations for when I'm at work

  • cnctfcnctf member
    I also don't suggest getting too many of one kind. You never know if your l/o will be picky or easy going with bottles. We're using wide dr browns with DD. before giving birth, I didn't want any dr brown ones because I read that there are more parts to wash, though that is true, it really is NBD.
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • I just purchased bottles called "Breastflow" by the first years and they are amazing. They have a double nipple that more closely mimics breastfeeding, and really helped slow my baby down. The reviews were great, and I agree.
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  • I agree with above. Tommee Tippee are what we use, and the only ones that she'll take. They were recomended by my LC


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  • We also used tommee tippee. They are plastic, but are kind of breast-shaped. Agree with PPs, though, not to get too many of one kind until you know what your LO prefers.
  • I have also tried Bare Air free baby bottles which worked wonders on my gassy 6 month old baby. I so love it because it feeds my baby air free milk and she never had colic since we started using this. My baby has latched on well with the nipple and the good thing is that it extends (the nipple) while she feeds from it which really mimics breastfeeding! I guess that's why she has received it well from the start. Worth every penny! Here's where you can go to: bittylab, and check them out.
  • I use Dr Brown's with preemie flow nipples.  There are more parts to wash but for me it was worth it.  Mine had terrible reflux and even the level one was too fast for us.  They're almost 5 months now and still on the preemie nipples.  
  • We struggled to find a bottle that she would consistently take, so I agree with PP who advised not to stock up on one kind! We seem to have the best luck with the Lansinoh Momma bottles/nipples. One thing I found helpful was looking at the length of the teat in the nipple and trying to choose one similar to your own nipple length/shape. My LO was sensitive to this and gagged on the Tommee Tippee/Avent Natural nipples.
    Baby E born 1/29/2014
    Baby #2 due 8/24/2016

  • RingOfFire11RingOfFire11 member
    edited April 2014
    We are having the most luck with the Lansinoh mOmma bottles.

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  • i bought avent and comotomo 2 each. we started with comotomo and DD took it right away so we stayed with it.
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  • We use dr browns and love them! I EBF for 3.5 weeks, and introduced the bottle the other day because I am going back to work in 1 1/2 weeks. :(
    But she took the bottle like a champ and is still latching great. Actually finished an ounce from the bottle then went straight to the boob to top it off and it didn't phase her :)
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