
When did your colostrum turn into actual milk?

I'm on day 4 and pumping out tiny amounts of thick yellow colostrum. I try nursing but I'm not sure she's getting anything bc she gets very upset when nothing comes out or it's not enough to satisfy her (she's a big baby 10+ lbs). So I'm looking forward to when that milk starts really flowing. When did it happen for you?

Re: When did your colostrum turn into actual milk?

  • tahloulah10tahloulah10 member
    edited April 2014
    As long as she's having plenty of wet and dirty diapers - 4 days old should have at least 4 wet/dirty diapers - then she is getting enough. Newborns are hungry often as breastmilk is quickly digested. Colostrum is really hard to pump, so I've heard. You shouldn't really be pumping unless directed by a lactation consultant or doctor...

    My milk came in overnight from day 2 to 3.
  • My milk came in day 5 into day 6. He was fine on colostrum only until my milk came in. Then overnight he gained a TON. 


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  • My milk came in around day four/five.
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  • Day 5 for me.
  • Day three for me, but it wasn't all at once...
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  • She's not ok on colostrum, she's starving.
  • Day 3 for me then it was still yellowish for about 2 weeks.
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  • Let the baby nurse often instead of pumping. It will help your milk come in. Mine came in on day 4.
  • Day 5 for me.
  • Mine came in around day 5 or 6.
  • MOTN day 5-6. I woke up with rock hard boobs and thought,  "here we go"


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  • Mine started to change consistency late in day 2.  By day 4/5 it was "milk - like" but still that yellow-ish color for several weeks.
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  • Margotsha said:

    MOTN day 5-6. I woke up with rock hard boobs and thought,  "here we go"

    This was me a couple hours ago, lol! Yay day 5 and pumped 1oz. I finally got a nap, 4 hours sleep which is more than I've had since delivery and I think that helped a ton.

    Now I know the milk is flowing I'm going to keep offering the boob.
  • @Sing2phins‌ Is your LO doing ok? My first was also in the NICU so I'm comfortable with pumping. Even though people say its better to bf, I agree it helps the milk come in faster. I only pumped once a day while last time it was 3-4x a day before even going home.

    My goal is to get her 100% on the boob and only pump occasionally
  • I actually didn't get really get anything for about a week.  Then it was a very slow process, though I had a difficult delivery of twins.  I'm not saying this to discourage you at all, but to let you know that I've been there.  I felt they were never getting enough from me pumping.  Once they were out and I could really focus on nursing it started getting better.  I know it's frustrating and annoying but hang in there!  It really helped me to talk to a lactation consultant just to hear I was doing it right.  Even a friend that's been there can help cheer you on until it gets easier.  It helped me at least.  Good luck!
  • Day 4. I woke up engorged and had to pump for relief.
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