DS2 has been on a nursing strike for 2 weeks now. It started when he was having a painful time with teething. He almost never took a bottle before that, but he wouldn't nurse and I was pumping anyway, so I gave him a bottle. Now he seems to be hooked. I think he still has gum pain, but it seems to have gotten better.
I offer him the breast at every feeding. He sometimes just cries and wants the bottle, but occasionally he will try to suck on my nipple, but only bite it and pull away. I really, really want him to go back to nursing. I hate pumping! Plus I just miss nursing him. I don't really want to force him into it by denying him bottles though. Is there anything else I can be doing?
Thanks, ladies!
Re: nursing strike
son#1 born 6/2010
son#2 born 4/2012
son#3 born 7/2014
Yeah, try to catch him when he's half asleep.
My 2nd son did something like this randomly around 13 or 14 months. He would get upset when I offered the breast. I was about ready to give up (it lasted about 2 days). Then, I tried nursing when he was half asleep, and it worked. After that we were back to normal.
Good luck!
son#1 born 6/2010
son#2 born 4/2012
son#3 born 7/2014
DD #1: March 20, 2013
DD # 2: May 2, 2015
EDD #3: March 4, 2018