People I know/am related to really needed to spread out their baby making
Basically everyone I know has a kid with a birthday from the end of March through to July and I'm having trouble figuring out how to decide what parties to attend (FWP, I know). Does BIL's kid always come ahead of other people? What about if it's my best friend's child who my child likes but we don't see often and it conflicts with parties for friends of his? I just got an invite for a party for a friend who I would love to see and all my former work colleagues will be there but it's the same day as a party for one of my son's very best friends so we'll have to decline the one for my friend.
Formerly known as elmoali
Re: Who trumps who? (Kid bdays)
I can't get the ticker to work, but I have two sons:
Baby RJ, born 1/25/2014
Formerly Twilightmv
Eta words are hard
@elmoali I'd say his friends trump your friends, only because you can reschedule with your friends without the kid really caring. I'm pretty sure a niece or nephew will accept a gift any day, but Q&A will only have the one special day that their friends parents got everyone together (until the next kid's special day).
But this is coming from a mother of a kid who has a solid group of 4 best friends who talk about their birthdays constantly...
#Bodymber14 #Bodygate #itsMillerTime
Bradley 05-04-11 & Tyler 06-18-13