Parenting after a Loss

XP: unbelievable

tha so much trouble was caused by a raging UTI!  yup, that's right.  the results came back today on my urine test from my hospital stay and it is a raging UTI.  i had zero symptoms (other than frequent peeing, but um, i'm 32 weeks pregnant and figured that was part of the deal at this point). 

i've been on an antibiotic for the last few days and the OB wants me to continue resting (not strict bedrest, just not overdoing it) through the weekend.  they said that UTI's can absolutely cause the massive contractions that i was having and that i need to come in immediately if they intensify again or come more than 4/hour. 

i feel better knowing that this was caused by something treatable, but still very nervous that it could happen again. 

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