Baby Showers

Yeesh! Offering already?

A friend of mine requested yesterday to help plan the baby shower and I honestly haven't even given it a thought. I don't even know where to start with a guest list! I don't have many friends & my co-workers live all over the place, so invites would mostly go to family... who also live pretty spread out. I just kind of figured that I wouldn't have one. If anything, I think a cookout with close family would be nice, but my friend wouldn't have much to plan -or much fun & comfort- crashing at the ILs. I feel like it would be in poor taste to have a more traditional shower, though, since there's not really a lot of people in my life with whom I've stayed particularly close. Thoughts?

Re: Yeesh! Offering already?

  • If you feel weird about her planning a shower you can decline.



    BFP 1- EDD 2/09/11 Missed MC DX @11 weeks D&C- 7/25/10 BFP 2- EDD 12/22/11 Natural MC @ 5w 2d BFP 3- EDD 1/25/12 DD Josephine born 1/16/12

    Lilypie - (TUWi)


  • VORVOR member
    Darbie914 said:
    If she can accommodate hosting a party for your family and close friends, then I would let her.  A baby shower isn't some huge event and you aren't required to invite co-workers and relatives that you haven't spoken to in years.

    A small, intimate shower sounds really nice.
    I 100% agree.  I PREFER smaller showers.  this talk of 50, 75, 100+ showers.... makes me shudder. 
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  • One thing: Did she offer to plan/host, or did she offer to help plan/host? I feel like if she offered to host, that's her offering to undertake and plan the whole thing knowing that there might not be anyone that offers to help her do it. But, if it was in a "are you having a shower? I'd love to help out with it." way, then that would let me know that she doesn't really want to be in charge, but she'd help out with food or whatever after the plan was set.

    Honestly, a small traditional shower in someone's home/a restaurant is totally lovely to me. I think giving her the names of local friends and close family, keeping it to the people that are closest, is perfectly okay. This isn't a wedding. You don't have to invite every female member of the family. Great-Aunt Ethel and Third Cousin Linda don't need courtesy invitations if you just see them once a year at Thanksgiving. My mom's family is huge, our wedding invitations went out to 250 people. My shower invitations went to less than 20.

    TTC #1 since 11/2012
    Me-31, H-27
    **Loss 1-Cycle 7(June 2013) at 5w6d-CP**Loss 2-Cycle 11(October 2013) at 5w4d-CP**
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    Beta Hell--hCG finally down to 0 - 6/20/14
    SA normal. Genetic testing normal. Hormonal testing normal.
    HSG 6/30/14 - found blocked left tube and 2 'bubbles' on uterine wall.
    Hysteroscopy/Lap--8/4/14 - Tubes unblocked. Polyps removed from uterine wall. Septum removed.
     9/30/14--Off the bench! Unmedicated TI through December 2014
    BFP 12/14/14!!! Beta #1, 12/16: 990 Beta #2, 12/18: Over 2000! Beta #3, 12/22: over 8000!
     U/S #1, 12/23: gestational sac, possible heartbeat
    U/S #2, 12/30: HEARTBEAT! 128bpm, measuring right on at 7w EDD: 8/19/2015
    U/S #3, 1/9: BPM in the 180s, IT'S HAPPENING!!!
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • I'm definitely not intending on hosting my own shower! As I said, I was not even thinking of having one at all. My friend offered to help in fear that she was overstepping boundaries in offering to host since I have a sister (for whom I hosted a shower several months ago), mother, and *involved* MiL that she assumed would offer. The thought of a shower had honestly not even crossed my mind until she brought it up. Further, my concern is definitely not having it get too large or obnoxious, either, but rather having it be awkward because - as I also mentioned - I am not really close to anyone, socially or geographically. I frankly think the whole idea is obnoxious and apologize for apparently leaving out the details to make that clearer. So. I guess all things considered, we'll just wait it out and go with the flow.
    @Helenahhandbasket‌ - thanks for getting it.
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