I had a mc in late 2007. We haven't been trying hard (was charting but not fretting) until Sept. 2008. I have realized through charting and esp. since I started using OPKs in September that my cycle ranges from 28 to 35 days. I don't ovulate every cycle and when I do, I ovulate very late, like day 24-25. I'm only 31 yrs old, but I would like to go ahead and discuss these issues with my dr. Any suggestions? Similar experiences?
Re: Too early for clomid?
YES, too early for Clomid
NOT to early to discuss this with a dr., specifically an RE.
I am sorry for your loss. I went to see a RE at 5 months of charting and TI. I am glad I didn't wait. I was 32 at the time, I am 33 now and I will be at least 34 before we have our first. We want more than one, and my chances decrease at 35, so we were considered a priority case for my RE since I have a complicated case.
There was a lot of testing that needs to happen before they would start treatment for me.
I don't know the answer to the Clomid question, but I think it is better to be proactive. I know it is stressful, good luck!