Took Baby John to his two week appt today. Birth weight was 6lbs 6 ounces, 2 day appt 6 lbs 3 ounces....Today he weighed 7 lbs 3 ounces!!! Yeah!!! Plus they said I can let him sleep 4 hours between feedings at night since he is taking 3 ounces in a bottle now!!!
Only problem is a red bottom. They think its the I have to go out and buy something other than pampers....
Re: 2 week appt!
Is his WHOLE bottom red or just around his little bunghole???
Emma had a red bung when she first came home. Aquaphor cleared it right up. It cleared up her dry/cracking skin too. I now believe Aquaphor fixes everything haahaa.
So glad he's doing well! Good weight gain!
I have put Aquaphor on his hands and feet, it works good....
MD told us to get something call endit cream. He has a red bottom near his testicles, bung hole....
We are going to try that, it ordered it, but I will try the Aquaphor until it gets here....
Glad to hear he is doing so well, sorry about the red bottom.