My sisters are planning me a shower back home in NC. (We currently live in Kansas.) They have asked for my guest list. My husband's immediate family all live in the same city, and his extended family live in the same state, in various cities, some closer than others. I get along well with my husband's extended family and his sister, but his mother has said some hurtful things to me and about me and my family in the past. We are currently on okay terms because we have to be, but she is not in contact with my family as a result.
When I was last in town, my sister in law mentioned that she had already bought something for my baby shower. No one from his family has offered to host me a shower, and my sister's shower invitations have not gone out yet, so I wasn't sure to which shower she is referring. I am guessing she assumes someone will give me one and she will be invited. I am not sure if it is expected that I include her and my mother in law in the shower my sisters are hosting.
I know my sister in law wouldn't be able to attend anyway, because she mentioned a trip the weekend I know they are planning it for. That would leave just his mom with my family. As I said, his mother has said hurtful things about my family in the past, and although I know my family would be polite, it could make them uncomfortable to have her there. I know they will go along with whatever I say without comment, and probably wouldn't tell me if it did make them uncomfortable though, because that's how they are. On the other hand, I don't want to not include my mother in law and insult her because we are at an okay place right now.
I am debating if I should include her on the list, and if so, if I should also include his extended family (aunts and cousins). I am debating if having them there would make it less awkward since I am on better terms with them. Help!
Re: To include MIL and husband's family?
Married: August 2012
DD: 9/22/2014
Married: August 2012
DD: 9/22/2014