1st Trimester

Feeling "Pregnant" today

Sorry TMI but, I cannot quit peeing, I seriously feel like I have gone pee every 30min. I traveled an hour today to visit my grandparents and give them the good news and I had to stop on the way and felt like my bladder was going to rupture when I got there. No MS, but I am spending time with the toilet, nonetheless :)
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Re: Feeling "Pregnant" today

  • Are you waking up in the middle of the night going !#$%^& I have to pee again!
  • Haha- welcome to the sisterhood! Traveling is supposed to get better in second tri from what I have read.
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  • imagemavilabride:
    Are you waking up in the middle of the night going !#$%^& I have to pee again!

     Hahaha!!!  That part soo sucks...I didn't mind when I only peed during daylight hours. It's the tripping over the cat to get to the bathroom at 4am that really sucks!

  • It gets better - hang in there!!!

  • Does it really? I had heard it gets worse! I really hope it gets better. I know when the baby does come I'll hardly be able to sleep thru the night, and I barely can even now having to pee at LEAST twice/night .... you give me hope if you really mean the frequent pee breaks slow!!!!
  • Ugh... peeing.  I was diagnosed with an overactive bladder a few years back so I thought it wouldn't get too much worse, but it has. 

     2 years ago I went to my doctor and said that I was going 2x a night and having problems with incontinence when jogging, jumproping, sneezing and going up stairs quickly.  Then my gyno. laughed and said "you're gonna have a big problem when you're pregnant" and now I know why he was laughing.

     Put some good books by the toilet... between the frequent urination and the constipation you'll get a lot of reading done! 

  • imageBreezer80:
    Does it really? I had heard it gets worse! I really hope it gets better. I know when the baby does come I'll hardly be able to sleep thru the night, and I barely can even now having to pee at LEAST twice/night .... you give me hope if you really mean the frequent pee breaks slow!!!!

    I might be a freak of nature, but I really don't think I have to pee any more in 2nd tri than I did before my BFP! But right around BFP, I had to pee just about every hour. It was ridiculous.

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