2nd Trimester

New here and looking for some help with worries!

Hi everyone I joined here so I could have people to talk to who are maybe feeling the same! I'm 19 years old and pregnant with my first son which I'm totally over the moon with and and so excited! I have a great support network and an amazing partner the only thing is I've lived at home my whole life and I'm just worried that I'm going to have no clue what to do I've never ran a home before as well as having a baby I'm so worried I'm going to fail :( anyone else feeling like this?

Re: New here and looking for some help with worries!

  • Hi and welcome! Congrats on your baby. I don't have the exact same fears since I'm 32 and have been living on my own since I was 18 (if college counts as living on my own, which maybe it doesn't), but I also have worries about being able to handle a baby as a FTM. It's awesome that you have a great network and partner, you should ask them for help if you need it. Good luck! I'm sure you'll do great!
  • The most important thing is that you have a great support system!  Feel free to ask them for help when worries seem to overwhelm you.  This is my first as well, but like the previous poster, I have been on my own with my hubby for 9ish years, and yes, I think college counts ;-)  I am worried too being a FTM.  But like you, I have an amazing support too, which helps.  Hope all goes well!
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  • Being a new mom is scary, but as long as you're responsible and love your baby I think you're gonna be fine, I worry alot and this forum has helped me alot, about every question you can think of has been answered here, and the moms here are really nice and helpful, good luck
  • I was pregnant with my daughter at 19 and I had the same fears. Honestly though, it's pretty much instantly one your baby is born that you get this motherly instinct and everything just comes naturally! You will be fine :) 
  • Youll do great.  Like others said, with a lot of support around you to bounce ideas and ask for help, it will be all good.  Also maybe check into a baby care/new parent class at the hospital you are going to deliver at, that might put your mind at ease and give you something to go on.
    DH and I Married 11.12.10
    First BPP 1.24.14
    EDD 9.26.14

    Baby Cooper John born on 9.24.14 6lbs9oz

  • Aw no worries girl, you are young but that doesn't mean you can't do this and be great at it. Best of luck!
  • I was in the same boat at 19! I moved across country to be with my new husband (military training) and had to figure it all out in my own. You're so lucky to have that support group, use it!! Ask for help and it will make things easier! We survived that first year of independence and marriage and parenthood but it was rough doing so alone. Now we are 23 and expecting our third! You will get the hang of it!! Congrats on your son, boys are a blast! :)
    Soon to be mommy of 3!
    DS Grayson (3yrs) (Emergency Csec)
    imageDS Camden (1yr) (All natural Vbac)
    DD Isabella due 8/2/2014

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  • I'm not in the same situation but as a ftm, I was scared that I just wouldn't know what to do when we came home. My son was born a little over 2 weeks ago and you will be absolutely amazed at what you're capable of when you're holding your sweet baby. The uncertainty melts away and you're left with your instinct and lots of sleep deprivation! But you'll see that it's completely worth it and you're better at it than you realized you would be. Also having a good support system like you say you have is so important!
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  • Thankyou everyone ! So glad I came on here feel alot better now and grateful for all your help☺️❤️!
  • Hi. Congrats! I was 33 when I had my first. And, while I had not lived at home in a very long time, I still had fears. I think it is really natural to worry and being a mother is hard. A supportive family and partner and some good friends will make the transition easier.

    And it will be a transition, but I promise you, it will be the best thing you ever do.


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  • I think it's normal to have worries about being a FTM whether you're 19 (you) or 34 (me).  But it sounds like you're in a good situation and having a support network and supportive partner is super important.  Good luck to you, but I bet you'll be great!

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