I'm feeling a little inadequate today ladies... Here's the scoop:
So I'm co-hosting my sisters baby shower with my mother. The split cost of which is around $800. (We're having it at a country club so that price includes the food, service, linens, etc. and any other items we bought like decor, games, prizes etc.) I have also purchased her some gifts that I think she would like. The problem is that I'm feeling like I should've gotten her one of the bigger ticket items from her registry. Almost like since I'm the host, (and her only sibling) I'm "obligated" to get her one of the bigger items. Like the stroller or car seat travel system or something. My mom and dad got her the nursery furniture. I guess I'm feeling cheap in comparison...
So far I got her:
- The bouncer seat (from her registry)
- 3 large sized bedtime bath and lotions
- Pooh bath squirt toys
- A teether
- An Auntie loves me outfit set.
- 2 car seat pull toys
- A package of those inchbug orbit label things that go around a sippy cup.
- And a dino wubbanub
(All these items fit into a decorative linen basket that goes with her nursery theme. I didn't get her more clothes because she has a TON of hand me downs from her best friend who was pregnant and due around this time last year and she'll get sooooo many different clothes for the shower. Also, I work at a daycare so some of the things that I've purchased, I've seen in action and know they will be big hits with the baby.)
I guess I'm just bummed out because I really like the stuff I bought but, after the cost of the shower and these little gifts, I wouldn't be able to swing a larger purchase...
So was it stupid/cheap for me to only buy the "little" things? Is it "expected" of a shower host to purchase a larger item from the registry?
Re: Shower gift regret/indecisiveness...
You definitely have done enough.
I guess if it were me, instead of buying a ton of smaller things, i probably would have pooled the $$ together and bought one of the larger things, but I admit that would have been for my own ease (one thing to wrap, schlep etc).
BFP 1- EDD 2/09/11 Missed MC DX @11 weeks D&C- 7/25/10 BFP 2- EDD 12/22/11 Natural MC @ 5w 2d BFP 3- EDD 1/25/12 DD Josephine born 1/16/12