1st Trimester

When do you go to the doctor for the first time?

Well I am apparently 4 weeks and I have no idea when to schedule a doctors appt?  When do you usually go to the doctor?  Right away?  I just missed my period and got my bfp several days ago. . ..let me know . ..thanks!
baby pregnancy

Re: When do you go to the doctor for the first time?

  • Call your doctor.  Each one is different.  Mine didnt' want to see me until 8 weeks.  I scheduled it at 4 weeks so I could have the time slot I wanted.  Call now.  Always call after you test positive- if they don't want to see you make the appt. anyway.
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  • Go ahead and call your doctor, they'll ask you questions about when your last period was and from that they'll schedule your appointment. Depending on what I've heard from many of the girls on here, some get their first appointment right away, other's it's between 8-12 weeks before their first.
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  • You can call now to make the appointment. My first appointment was at 8 weeks and then he gave me a script for an ultrasound whenever I could make it so I went right before I was 10 weeks.
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  • My dr wont see me till between 8-9 weeks unless something goes wrong. I wish sooner but what do you do. I'd call right away and see what they say. 
  • Call.  They will tell you when to come in.   Generally around 8 weeks.
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    med/treatment free BFP 06/28/10. EDD 03/05/11 *** GIRL #2 (02/23/11)
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  • Call now and tell them you're pregnant. They will ask you when your LMP was and according to their protocol, they will book an appt. for you. Most offices don't see you until you are 8-10 weeks.


  • Call your dr & they'll ask when your last lmp was. Then they will schedual you accordingly since all dr's are different.

    My appointment is next week, at my office they have you come in between 6-8 weeks for the 1st one.

    Mommy to Catherine 5/19/2005 & Ryan 8/22/2009 My Blog
  • Call your doctor, they will tell you when you should come in. Usually it's between 7 and 10 weeks. But before that you should get a blood test to confirm pregnancy.
    Me: 44 DH: 42. DS born healthy at 40 weeks 8/24/09. TTC since then with no luck or ART. Surprise BFP 8/6/14... MMC @ 8 weeks 4 days... Miss you everyday sweet baby angel.
  • we see our patients between 10-12 weeks, but every clinic is different, so definately call and see what their protocol is and they will help you get something set up. GL!!!
  • 10 weeks - but I wanna go now :(

    I called right away, though. You should too

  • When I called the ob/gyn they said I could come in for a pregnancy test if I wanted but if I had a couple positives from HPTs it wasn't necessary.  They scheduled me an appt just before I hit week 7.  Good luck!

    BabyFruit Ticker
  • I called at 5-1/2 weeks and they scheduled me for 3 weeks later.
  • You should call right away. ?I saw my doctor at 8 weeks for my first appointment.
  • My doctor had me go in at 5 weeks. Most will not see you until 8 weeks, or so.
  • I'm 5 weeks now and just scheduled my appoint about a week and a half later... they actually have slots earlier but I can't make it (in the middle of a work day where my work is about 30 mins away from the clinic...) So I'll be about 7 weeks when I see my doctor for the first time. But like everyone says, call now to schedule your appointment...
  • My BFP was on the weekend so I waited until Monday to call the dr.  I'm going in at 7 wks for the 1st appt but I think dr's offices can be different as to how soon they want to see you.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker M/C #1 - BFP 12/28/2008. Confirmed m/c at 6wks - blighted ovum on 1/9/2009. M/C #2 - BFP 6/16/2009. Confirmed m/c at 7wks - blighted ovum on 7/1/2009.
  • Yep, call your dr and they will schedule you. I didn't get to see my OB until I was 9 weeks.
    Lilypie Third Birthday tickersLilypie First Birthday tickers
  • first ob saw me at 8 weeks and this new one sees patients at 6 weeks, although i'm going in at 7 b/c of a scheduling conflict.
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    BFP 3/9/12 Natural M/C 4/11/12

    BabyFruit Ticker
  • The office where i work has an appt. just with a nurse around 5-8 wks then have you come back around 10-12 wks with the doctor.
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