I don't care how many times I read it in any number of pregnancy books, I still get so nervous whenever I feel a cramp. I had very, very slight, dull cramps (like AF is coming in a few days type) before my BFP and a few days after (around 4 weeks) and the past few days they've mostly been gone, but I seem to get more at night and today I've had a few random cramps and then they'll be totally gone. Nothing to write home about painwise, but cramps. No spotting or anything. I KNOW this normal, but it's still scary for me.
Those who are further ahead....did this continue long after your BFP? When do they stop?
Re: When did your cramping stop?
Mine stopped about 3 weeks ago. I still get them though but not as bad
They'll go away and then come back again. I felt them between weeks 5 through 7 and then it stopped until last week.
These are the "great" moments of a growing baby.
i felt cramping since my BFP, but had period like cramps all of week 6. ?starting in week 7 is when they let us. ?my doctor said that during week 6 is when the fetus really starts to imbed itself into your lining. ?she also said that stronger cramping can mean you are overdoing it or lacking water. ?
?i know its scary, but try to relax and drink water. ?that helps me.?
I've had them also and can understand your concerns, but it is completely normal. ?I'm now 7 weeks and haven't really felt any in a few days. ?I think around weeks 5-6 was when they started happening less and less.
Good luck!!