1st Trimester

what is the saying about heartbeats???

I've heard several people tell me that you can try and guess what the baby is going to be by how high the heartbeat is... but I can't remember if it's a girl that has a high heart beat or if it's a boy that has a high heart beat...anyone know (granted yes I know that it's just an old wives tale, but I'm just curious! :)  )

 We had our second visit today and everything look great! I've only gained 2 lbs and the Dr. said I was right on target. (then why do my jeans feel like i've gained 10lbs?!!!) The heartbeat was at 170.  The Dr. told us not to freak out if he couldn't find it right away but he nailed it as soon as he put the machine to my belly!

Re: what is the saying about heartbeats???

  • It depends on the time of day, who you are talking to, and whether they hate women or men at the time.

    According to my mom and others, a high hb means a boy.  According to other people, it means a girl.  It all comes back to the same thing: I'm either having a boy...or a girl Stick out tongue

  • I think it's over 140 is a "girl" and below 140 is a "boy". My baby was at 140on Wednesday, lol.
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  • They Say that if it is under 140 then it's a Boy! If it's over then it's A Girl! Ours was 172 the other day. So we will see how true that is..
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  • over 140 a girl and under a boy. I went Monday and mine was 168 bpm and as soon as he put the doppler on me we heard the hb too.


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  • My baby has been in the 130-150 ish range & he's a boy. I think I've heard the higher hbs are usually girls -- but I have no idea if it's true or not.
  • My first was always above 150 and he is a boy....but I had people tell me when I was pregnant that meant I was having a girl.
  • High heartbeat is a girl...low is a boy. That was true with my first. We had a high one and had a baby girl. Hoping for a low one this time..
  • The tale is anything above 140 = girl, below 140 = boy. It was true for both of my previous.
  • yeah my baby had 180 the  other day and my mom said see my dream was right-I said you have a 50/50 chance of being right.
  • Yep, high=girl, low=boy.  All three of mine had high (160ish) hb, and they were all boys. Smile
  • As pp said, <140 = boy, >140 = girl.


    BUT my first baby's was in the mid-150s the whole time and he is very much a boy.  This baby is in the low-160s so I'm curious...

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  • It's a crock of shite according to the perinatalogist who did my NT and my MW. They said there is a wide range of heart rates and it is not indicative of whether your baby is a boy or girl. Maybe close to birth but certainly not in the first tri nor early second tri.
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  • OWT. My first had a very high hb and was a girl. This one is a girl also and has a low heartbeat.
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