Stay at Home Moms

"I don't want to alarm you BUT..."

Last week i went.for my bi yearly mamogram and mri scan. This is the first time i have gotten this done but am in high risk screening for breast cancer because my mom having it and having the braca gene in the family.

My doctor called me today and said "i don't want to alarm you but they found some lumps in my left breast..."
The said the look to have clear lines or something, there are 2 one is 1cm and the other smaller. They look to be benign and cyst like. But i have to go for ultrasound and might need a biopsy.

Dh is at work all night and my mom is away on holidays so have no one to talk to about his right now. I know logically that it sounds like everything is fine and i knew going in that it is pretty common to find these sorts of things. But i am pretty freaked out!!
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Re: "I don't want to alarm you BUT..."

  • id012id012 member
    Try not to freak out. I have cysts in my breast. I felt one and then i went in for an ultra sound and they saw like 2 more that i/the doctor couldn't feel. They are just cysts and nothing to worry about. I know what you mean tho. When someone says those words it is really scary.
    When do you have to go back in?
  • I also have cysts in my breasts. I had to go through an ultrasound as well. Turned out everything was fine, but given my history and family history of breast cancer, I understand how scary it is. Thoughts and prayers that you get some peace of mind soon.
    Because you're mine, I walk the line....
    Landry Mark: 11/5/11
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  • Thinking of you ((hugs))
    (+ hers and his, ages 13 & 8)
  • So glad to hear from real people that this is normal. That really helps.
    I call tomorrow to book my u/s. Hopefully they can get me in quickly.
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  • I would freak out too, even though my rational brain would be trying to talk me down. I hope you can find some excellent distractions in the meantime.
    Elkanah Brave, born 02/06/2012 7:26am
  • Oh no! That is scary. Thinking of you!
  • I'm sorry, try to stay calm. They're pretty common but it is good to get them checked out. Update us when you have results!
  • Hav=Fath said:

    Oh that has to be so stressful, I'm so so sorry you're having to wait to know more and that your H is out of town. 

    He is in town, just at work. i don't know if i really even want to tell him though. I hate to stress him out about it as well. :(

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  • I'm so sorry. I hope this helps, but I got the same kind of call. I was 19 and scared. They scheduled me for an ultrasound, then they ended up doing a lumpectomy. They placed a metal clip in my breast in case the would need to go back in. Several days later, I found out it was a cyst. I have to go back every year for a mammogram even though I'm 25, cancer runs in my family also. Just keep positive and God will take care of you! T&P !
  • I'd be nervous too. My sister has had to have a few cysts biopsied, starting at age 19, and it has always been fine. I'm sure it will be for you too!
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