Last week i went.for my bi yearly mamogram and mri scan. This is the first time i have gotten this done but am in high risk screening for breast cancer because my mom having it and having the braca gene in the family.
My doctor called me today and said "i don't want to alarm you but they found some lumps in my left breast..."
The said the look to have clear lines or something, there are 2 one is 1cm and the other smaller. They look to be benign and cyst like. But i have to go for ultrasound and might need a biopsy.
Dh is at work all night and my mom is away on holidays so have no one to talk to about his right now. I know logically that it sounds like everything is fine and i knew going in that it is pretty common to find these sorts of things. But i am pretty freaked out!!

Re: "I don't want to alarm you BUT..."
I call tomorrow to book my u/s. Hopefully they can get me in quickly.