2nd Trimester

Amniotic Sheet

Hello, has anyone else been told that an amniotic sheet was visible in their ultrasound?

My doctor said they saw this in mine, but it wasn't anything of concern since it's not "blocking" the baby.
I just wanted to see if anyone else had experience with this and if it affected your pregnancy/labor/delivery at all?

Thank you!

Re: Amniotic Sheet

  • They thought I possibly had one in my last pregnancy. After another ultrasound it was determined that I did not. However, they did explain to me that an amniotic sheet is considered a benign condition and in most cases there are no complications because of it. If your doctor is not concerned, I wouldn't be. I was planning on a natural vaginal delivery and was concerned that it would impact me and they said it wouldn't. Each case is different though, so if you are concerned about delivery I would ask your doctor if they think it may impact that.


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