Stay at Home Moms

S/O swim lessons

How much is the cost for swim lessons?

At the Y (for a non member) It cost $75 for a 4 week (8 classes)

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Re: S/O swim lessons

  • Here it's $75 for 10 classes (once a week for 2.5 months). That's through our local rec center. 

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  • $70 for 8 class sessions for city residents.  I think it's $85 for non-residents.
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  • We go to a place that only teaches lessons. The pool is also kept at 85. We pay a $50 reg fee pay $19 for a thirty minute lesson.
  • We go to a swim school.  We pay $140 a month.  DS swim twice a week.  They also offer spring, winter, sumer and fall camps.  I just signed DS up for spring camp for 5 days for a week.  $100 for that week in addition to his twice a week.  

    Next month he will start swim prep camp for 6 hour a week..which is $230..he will still swim his normal lessons twice a week.  DS will be 5 years old soon and is doing really well in class and REALLY enjoys swimming.  He has his freestyle down, his backstroke, breaststroke but is finding the butterfly to be a bit more difficult.  
    April 2009
  • $105 for eight weeks, once a week.
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  • It's $47 for 10 classes at our local community center.

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  • We paid $85 for 8 weeks for DD through a Parks and Rec program in a neighboring city.  The parent/baby/tot classes are held in a warm therapy pool.  DS will take a Parks and Rec class through our city this summer, but it is just in the high school pool.

    While I was working, I had DS in a swim school.  They kept the temp at 85 degrees and there were only 3 children in a group.  It was wonderful!  It was also $110 a month (4 classes).  Needless to say, when the budget needed to be cut for me to stay home, that was the first item eliminated.

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  • We are members at the Y and they are $45 for 30 minute preschool lessons and $55 for 45 minute youth lessons, both once a week for a 7 week session
    DS 3.12.08
    DD 7.11.09
    DD 8.01.13
  • Through our Parks & Rec dept. they are ridiculously cheap - $40 for 8 weekly 30 minute lessons during the school year (2 sessions). In the summer they're $30 for 3 weeks of daily 30 minute lesson - that's on top of pool memberships (family membership is $200ish). I love the summer ones b/c it's every day and there are so many it's not a huge deal to skip one. 

    We have also done a different program led by the swimming coach at a local college - those are $140 for daily 45 minutes for 2 weeks. 

    Don't let the prices of the P & R classes fool you, I've paid plenty of taxes to get those prices!

    Hey we pay ridiculous taxes too and don't get anything like that you are lucky!
  • 350 per child for the year, and unlimited pool use, in or out door pool - its at a health and racket club
  • The cheapest in our area I could find are $60 for a 10 week session, 30min lesson. Most programs are more like $100-120 for an 8week session.
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  • jensriotjensriot member
    edited March 2014

    Ours are $380 for 20 weeks.

    ETA - that's for one class per week.

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    C  7.16.2008 | L  11.12.2010 | A  3.18.2013


  • Around $50 for ten classes.  This is at one of our city's rec centers.
  • It's $136 for 8, 15 minute lessons.  It's a one on one lesson.  I could take him somewhere else for a little less but the woman he goes to is very intense and does a great job of teaching the kids to swim without any swim aids.

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  • $54.00 a month for once a week class. $15 registration fee.
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  • We do private, one-on-one lessons at our Y and are not members.  It is $160 for 4 30-minute lessons.  If we were members, it would be $100 a month for membership and $100 a month for 4 30-minute lessons.  

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