I do not, never did. I don't have a full bedding set anyway since I bed share with DS2. It's just a queen sized blanket (on a king bed) and a Winnie the Pooh afghan. And the bed is just on a box spring so it's not too high for kiddos. So, it's not going to look like Better Homes and Gardens regardless.
We make all beds every day. Making the bed makes a room instantly look clean and takes minutes. I am totally lazy too, but unmade beds make a room look dirty to me.
The kids are getting good at doing theirs and H and I both do it - kind of like whoever gets to it first
Yes, we do. DH does it because he gets out of bed last, but if he forgets, I do it. It probably works out to about 75% him, 25% me.
When I was a kid it was a household rule but it wasn't perfectly enforced, haha, I got away with not making it as much as I could :P Funny, because now the idea of an unmade bed drives me crazy!
I had to growing up and hated it. I once asked if I could skip making it on my birthday as a birthday present. The answer was no. And I started wondering what my parents thought would happen if it went unmade for a day. I couldn't fathom anything bad happening and decided then and there that as a grownup I would only make my bed if I wanted to.
And these days I don't. But partly that's due to bedsharing and there being a napping baby or kid there a lot. There is absolutely no way I am making my bed more than once a day.
Not usually. I occasionally start doing it and keep up with it for a few weeks, but then I stop again. It makes our room look neater but to me doesn't look that great. We don't have a headboard, and don't have big pillows or throw pillows to make it look really nice. Plus my body pillow for my legs is a lump under the covers. I really want to get a super nice bedset soon. Also, I almost always nap every afternoon when the kids do.
We never had to make our beds growing up.
DS (7 years old) from FET in 2010 DD (5 years old) from IUI in 2012 TTC 3rd and final!: IUI #1 in progress!
Yes! I make the bed everyday. I make sure DS's bed is made too. I also am a bit nuts and wash all the bedding every couple of days. I love a fresh bed.
I make the bed every morning. I hate walking into a bedroom and seeing an unmade bed. My parents were/are hoarders. Not as bad as the ones on tv but they definitely did not instill any bed making or cleaning practices. I think growing up in a house like that had made me the opposite of them. My DH doesn't make the bed.
Yes, we make it every day - whoever gets out of bed last makes it. Growing up, beds were always made when getting out of bed in the morning, but I really can't remember being "made" to make it, I just remember making it myself when I was old enough to be able to.
I can't stand getting into an unmade bed at night - I like te sheets to be pulled nice and skooth, etc. If for some reason it wasn't made I'd probably make it first just to get into it.
Do you make your bed every morning?--Yes. DD (5.5 yrs old) also make hers every morning before she leaves for school. DS (3 yrs old) helps me make his bed. I usually do his covers and he put his pillows and stuffed animals on.
Is it something your parents made you do?--Yes.
Who makes it more, you or your husband?--Me for sure. If I didn't do it, it wouldn't get done.
DD~6 years old~born June 6, 2008 (1st grade) DS~4 years old~born November 6, 2010 (1st year of preschool)
I make our bed and DS's bed every day. I'm planning to work with him is summer on getting him to do it. I don't remember being told I had to make my bd as a kid but I always did. I'm a neat freak
I had to growing up and hated it. I once asked if I could skip making it on my birthday as a birthday present. The answer was no. And I started wondering what my parents thought would happen if it went unmade for a day. I couldn't fathom anything bad happening and decided then and there that as a grownup I would only make my bed if I wanted to.
This for me too. My parents were super anal about it when I was growing up. I stopped making my bed when I was in college and we hardly ever do now. It's only really made when I change the sheets every week or two.
The bed is made most of the time....goal is every day. I'm the one who usually makes it after DH has left for work already, but he'll occasionally make it on the weekend. Growing up, we were expected to make our beds....some of us were better at this than others lol.
I at least straighten it every day. Pull sheets and comforter up. I hate messy beds.
No, I never had to do it as a child. I was the child with the room that exploded. I don't think I ever made my bed as a child, nor did my parents care.
DH never makes it but he doesn't care if it's messy or not.
I want to make the bed everyday, but some days it does not happen. I agree with others - it is so much nicer to crawl into bed at night when the sheets and blankets are neat and tidy.
I do have a quirk though - I cannot make my bed right after I get out of bed. I essentially think making the bed with warm sheets is gross. I cannot explain my rationale, or lack there of.
I was forced to make the bed daily as a kid. I never do it now unless planned company is coming and even then, not always. My DH has never made the bed.
I HAVE to have a made bed every morning, if it's not made, I feel that the whole house is messy. I usually make it, I'm sure DH doesn't know how. The housekeeper made the beds every day when I was growing up, but on Sundays (when she wasn't there), I still made my bed.
Re: Making the bed
The kids are getting good at doing theirs and H and I both do it - kind of like whoever gets to it first
DS 3.12.08
DD 7.11.09
DD 8.01.13
I am the first one out of bed so I don't make it when I get up but will after DH gets up for the day. DS' bed gets made every morning.
Growing up we never had to make our beds.
I had to growing up and hated it. I once asked if I could skip making it on my birthday as a birthday present. The answer was no. And I started wondering what my parents thought would happen if it went unmade for a day. I couldn't fathom anything bad happening and decided then and there that as a grownup I would only make my bed if I wanted to.
And these days I don't. But partly that's due to bedsharing and there being a napping baby or kid there a lot. There is absolutely no way I am making my bed more than once a day.
We never had to make our beds growing up.
DD (5 years old) from IUI in 2012
TTC 3rd and final!: IUI #1 in progress!
We never had to make our bed when we were growing up.
Do you make your bed every morning?--Yes. DD (5.5 yrs old) also make hers every morning before she leaves for school. DS (3 yrs old) helps me make his bed. I usually do his covers and he put his pillows and stuffed animals on.
Is it something your parents made you do?--Yes.
Who makes it more, you or your husband?--Me for sure. If I didn't do it, it wouldn't get done.
DS~4 years old~born November 6, 2010 (1st year of preschool)
My Easy Cooking Blog
I do not do it everyday.
I only make the bed on the day I wash bed clothes.
I make our bed every morning. As a kid I was not made to make my bed, but my grandma often did it for me.
I do have a quirk though - I cannot make my bed right after I get out of bed. I essentially think making the bed with warm sheets is gross. I cannot explain my rationale, or lack there of.
DD #2 - 03.13