Stay at Home Moms

S/O spring cleaning....

What is on your to do list!?
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Re: S/O spring cleaning....

  • Clean our windows!!! For some reason we have terrible ventilation and humidity builds up on the inside of our windows and the edges all get mildewy.  I've been cleaning them periodically but I need to set up a time and bleach them ALL.  

    Declutter, donate, pass on and get rid of STUFF.

    Change out warddrobes for warmer clothes

    start investing in storage ideas.  A lot of our stuff is piled because we didn't plan on living here anymore.  But now after hearing about how difficult other districts have been with paying for private school we're going to be here till at least DS2 turns 3, another 1.5 years.  I need to start making this place home.

    To my boys:  I will love you for you Not for what you have done or what you will become I will love you for you I will give you the love The love that you never knew
  • I go through every room and clean and declutter everything I can basically think of.
    Clean windows
    Go through all closets, dressers, drawers and reorganize
    Wipe down walls, lights, baseboards, doors
    Wash window coverings
    Clean and polish/steam clean floors
    Maintenance on appliances
    Do repairs that I notice or delegate them to DH
    Change smoke detector batteries
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  • Declutter and organize pretty much everything.  I've been better at doing donation drop offs every month or two.  
    Deep clean.
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  • I have to.clean the walls. Someone I know uses a swiffer, which is a brilliant idea that I am going to try. Much easier than paper towels.  
  • Oy I need to spring clean, but I do not want to.
    Hallelujah, it's a miracle, I have children AND a signature!

    <a href="" title="Trying to Conceive"><img src="" alt=" Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker" border="0"  /></a> IW024W 3rd: 7FS0BD4th: XGYL4V5th: JPDH57

    TTC since February 2009
    MC 6/28/2010 @ 7w 5d
    Dx low progesterone October 2010, IUI success and then a total surprise!
  • We just moved into a new house, so my list is LONG. As for cleaning... there was a little old lady living here and she couldn't do much cleaning. Everything is covered in dust and spider webs. So I pretty much need to clean everything. 
    Paint, everywhere
    Arrange furniture
    strip off old 80's wallpaper :(
    Married 07.07.07. Mom to 3: Ruby 11/08 and Oliver & Austin 12/11
  • We just moved into a new house, so my list is LONG. As for cleaning... there was a little old lady living here and she couldn't do much cleaning. Everything is covered in dust and spider webs. So I pretty much need to clean everything. 

    Paint, everywhere
    Arrange furniture
    strip off old 80's wallpaper :(
    This was me last year! I feel your pain. We moved into a new house and there was a thick layer of dust on everything and the basement was full of cobwebs! I was afraid there was a spider problem, but there have been very few webs return since we cleaned them all up.

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  • Well, most of it I pass off to our monthly cleaners. However, one thing I need to do is call about our window awnings. They are disgusting. I assume the company that put them on can come clean them or recommend a company. They really do help keep our electric bill low in the summer. I also need to switch out seasonal clothing.
  • We are moving in a couple weeks, and as mentioned, that whole house needs a scrub from top to bottom. On the bright side we've had a few weeks to prepare, so we've gotten rid of a ton of "stuff" I've also been organizing since we first listed our current home. Right now the biggest chore is packing!
    "When I saw you I fell in love, and you smiled because you knew." -Shakespere
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