Baby Showers

shower after babies arrival - too late?

Hi all - question on shower timing.

Two good friends have been planning to host my shower. Initially it was to be when I would have been 34 weeks along.

I ended up hospitalized 4 weeks prior, and with no sign of getting out before delivery so I asked my hostesses to hold on shower planning and not send invites etc. My twins then came 7 weeks early. Since we didn't know how long they'd be in NICU, but it could be up to their due date (1st week of April). when asked about a shower date i suggested to the hostesses that they aim for mid-April so i could be relatively assured my girls would be out of NICU.

Now I'm questioning whether that's too late - given the babies will be almost 2 months old by then. Also, we received quite a few gifts when the girls were in hospital. If it's not too late for a shower, I'd still like to include those same people on the guest list as they are all close friends or family. I don't want them to feel like they are obligated to bring a gift since they've already given us something. Any suggestions on how to approach that?

Re: shower after babies arrival - too late?

  • Thanks :) the girls are doing great and were actually discharged after just 17 days in NICU. I still don't plan to bring them to the shower though - too hard to keep people from touching them

  • I think under the circumstances, it's perfectly fine to have the shower and include everyone even those who have already brought gifts. I know if it was a close friend of mine I would be more than happy to come and bring another little gift. Even people who have their shower before the baby comes often get gifts when the baby is born.
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