Stay at Home Moms

NBR: Dancing With the Stars

Ok so I've never watched more than a couple episodes over all these seasons, but I tuned in tonight to the season premiere.  How is it fair that there is an ice dancing Olympic champion competing as the star?  There was one old guy 'star' who has had 2 hip replacements.  Seems rigged :-)

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Re: NBR: Dancing With the Stars

  • Well there is a lot of difference between dancing on ice and dancing on a wooden floor apparently. Plus they've had basically pro dancers on there before and they weren't the ones who won.
  • I don't watch it either, but I heard about the ice dancers and thought that seemed a bit unfair. Kate's right though - they've had professional dancers and gymnasts before, so this isn't any different. 

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  • Yeah, it's not really fair to exclude based on your sport- they've had dancers, figure skaters, gymnasts.  Also- just because you can dance on ice, doesn't mean you can do the salsa or know the steps.  Or the Rumba. The dances they do are 100% different than what they would do on the ice together. 

    I totally love the cast this season.
    (+ hers and his, ages 13 & 8)
  • Kimbus22 said:
    Does it really matter when it's as much of a popularity contest as anything else? I mean if it was straight up trained dancers judging that won or lost the whole thing it might matter more.  But when it's just people who call and vote for people they like making up half the votes then meh.  Who cares?

    It's totally a popularity contest. I'm just watching for NeNe. Once she's booted, I'm out!
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