Stay at Home Moms

Can we show and tell?

Tell me about (and show me if you can snap a pic) your toy storage in your main living space, if you have any. I can't decide if ds has too many toys or if I just need a better storage solution. I just have 3 smallish baskets full right now, but they're overflowing, plus his 2 ride ons and a stack of books. It always looks so messy.

**Nestie Besties with Deutschefairy**

Diagnosed PCOS '03, TTC #1 Since March '09
BFP - 10/20/10, M/C - 10/29/10
June 2011 - 50mg Clomid = No O
Dieted and exercised my butt off for PCOS = BFP 5/7/2012
Due 12/29/2012

Re: Can we show and tell?

  • Pardon the mess. We are in the middle of playing. IMO she has very few toys.
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  • @Kimbus22‌, I wish somebody would make a storage bin like that, but attractive for a living space. I know I'm asking too much, but a girl can dream.

    And no, I'm not showing you my boobs.

    **Nestie Besties with Deutschefairy**

    Diagnosed PCOS '03, TTC #1 Since March '09
    BFP - 10/20/10, M/C - 10/29/10
    June 2011 - 50mg Clomid = No O
    Dieted and exercised my butt off for PCOS = BFP 5/7/2012
    Due 12/29/2012
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  • You can kind of see it to the left in these pictures. I keep them on their shelves in the open so she can get them easily. On the top are pictures and sometimes flowers.
  • Yeah, I've seen those. I don't love them. They look pretty cheap. I'm picky, though.

    **Nestie Besties with Deutschefairy**

    Diagnosed PCOS '03, TTC #1 Since March '09
    BFP - 10/20/10, M/C - 10/29/10
    June 2011 - 50mg Clomid = No O
    Dieted and exercised my butt off for PCOS = BFP 5/7/2012
    Due 12/29/2012
  • This is all I try to have in the living room at any given time...or at least by the end of the day. The cube organizer (whose books are normally neater than this), and whatever fits under our table, which happens to be games at the moment.  The playroom is close-by so I try to keep everything else in there.


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  • Gastro said:

    Hollylb3 said:

    Yeah, I've seen those. I don't love them. They look pretty cheap. I'm picky, though.

    Have you looked at the land of nod storage bins? They have nice baskets too.
    They do have nice looking stuff, just most of it is outta my price range. I haven't looked at the baskets though, I'll check those out.

    **Nestie Besties with Deutschefairy**

    Diagnosed PCOS '03, TTC #1 Since March '09
    BFP - 10/20/10, M/C - 10/29/10
    June 2011 - 50mg Clomid = No O
    Dieted and exercised my butt off for PCOS = BFP 5/7/2012
    Due 12/29/2012
  • Most of the little toys go in one of the 2 bins. & the bookshelf gets random stuff put on it. Sorry it's a mess. Hurricane Zoey!
  • I have these:
    A 4 cube one in the living room and 8 cube on its side in the playroom. I love them. We have wicker and black baskets that fit in them so it looks organized when put away.
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  • We have a little "alcove" in our living room where the bulk of his toys are. He has some random cars and blocks in his room plus toys he doesn't really care about playing with. There is also one shelf of the bookcase in the living room that has his books.
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  • Tough to tell since its dark but pretty much the whole closet floor in our living room. Lol. They also have a playroom and stuff in their rooms. We have too much kid shit.
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  • We have an organization cube, which we also have our TV and a lamp on. It has six spaces that hold books and toys (pretty much all they can hold b/c they're right at baby-level). I have baskets of toys in 4 of the 6 cubes. It's a dark wood and pretty nice imo. I also have one big toy basket and a plastic bin. They are plenty for the toys (I also have a basket of toys and a basket of books in their room upstairs).
  • You can kind see in this one we have various bins in the space under our tv/speakers.  I need to get matching bins, but I'm putting it off because I want new furniture.  We also have a four cube expedit and a bookcase in his room.
  • Sorry the picture is wonky--DS1 took it and i just found it on my phone. We have built ins that hold a few toys on one side and tv components and art supplies on the other. The rest of DS1's living room toys are in a Target basket, the baby toys are in the box the Melissa and Doug unit blocks came in (the blocks are in the basement), and books are in a planter box that didn't fit where I wanted my plants to go.
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  • Looks like my setup looks about like everyone else's as far as being a mild eyesore. :) I suppose I'll just have to get used to it until he's older. I'm a bit of a freak about decor and everything coordinating, so this is a stretch for me. Thanks for sharing, gals!

    **Nestie Besties with Deutschefairy**

    Diagnosed PCOS '03, TTC #1 Since March '09
    BFP - 10/20/10, M/C - 10/29/10
    June 2011 - 50mg Clomid = No O
    Dieted and exercised my butt off for PCOS = BFP 5/7/2012
    Due 12/29/2012
  • Hollylb3 said:

    Looks like my setup looks about like everyone else's as far as being a mild eyesore. :) I suppose I'll just have to get used to it until he's older. I'm a bit of a freak about decor and everything coordinating, so this is a stretch for me. Thanks for sharing, gals!

    Gee, thanks! Lol. I think unless you have completely closed storage or entirely handcrafted wooden toys laid out like a stark pinterest Montessori wonderland the eyesore is inevitable.
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  • Exactly @joirish‌. :) Toys in general are an eyesore, no matter how you dress them up, unless they're completely covered.

    **Nestie Besties with Deutschefairy**

    Diagnosed PCOS '03, TTC #1 Since March '09
    BFP - 10/20/10, M/C - 10/29/10
    June 2011 - 50mg Clomid = No O
    Dieted and exercised my butt off for PCOS = BFP 5/7/2012
    Due 12/29/2012
  • I have a small basket from Target in the living room and pretty much everything is kept in her closet. I am sure I will have to upgrade eventualky, but it works fine for now.
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  • I should clarify. I pip her playroom. We don't keep toys anywhere else.
    Hallelujah, it's a miracle, I have children AND a signature!

    <a href="" title="Trying to Conceive"><img src="" alt=" Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker" border="0"  /></a> IW024W 3rd: 7FS0BD4th: XGYL4V5th: JPDH57

    TTC since February 2009
    MC 6/28/2010 @ 7w 5d
    Dx low progesterone October 2010, IUI success and then a total surprise!
  • I should clarify. I pip her playroom. We don't keep toys anywhere else.

    I wish desperately we had a playroom, or at the very least more square footage in the living room. I'd love to remove some from the master and put it in the living room.

    **Nestie Besties with Deutschefairy**

    Diagnosed PCOS '03, TTC #1 Since March '09
    BFP - 10/20/10, M/C - 10/29/10
    June 2011 - 50mg Clomid = No O
    Dieted and exercised my butt off for PCOS = BFP 5/7/2012
    Due 12/29/2012
  • Michbot12 said:

    We have these baskets from Target in the living room and in the master bedroom.  They are pretty good sized.  Anything that doesn't fit in these goes in the play room.

    I love these. And we have that same puzzle. :)

    **Nestie Besties with Deutschefairy**

    Diagnosed PCOS '03, TTC #1 Since March '09
    BFP - 10/20/10, M/C - 10/29/10
    June 2011 - 50mg Clomid = No O
    Dieted and exercised my butt off for PCOS = BFP 5/7/2012
    Due 12/29/2012
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