Stay at Home Moms

Can we talk drinking and breast feeding?

Since Kate is being a bitch and posting the Bloody Mary bar question I need to know about drinking after I push this one out. Especially at first my kids seem to be on he boob all the time. When is the best time for a drink or two? Stick to wine and beer? Or can I indulge in a kick ass strawberry margarita? I have forgotten everything help me. Oh and is it true beer is good for milk supply, I am assuming like real dark beer not my buddy bud light right?

Re: Can we talk drinking and breast feeding?

  • I have heard that a dark beer is good for supply and I have heard that it didn't do anything.

    Some ladies say if you can drive than you can feed.

    I usually would drink a glass of wine while I was breastfeeding. That way I knew it was good and filtered out by the next feeding. I never threw any milk away

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  • sschwegesschwege member
    edited March 2014
    I'm a total light weight and barely drink so I just go based on how I feel.  If I'm not feeling it I know I'm OK to feed baby.  Definitely have always done fine with one drink, can maybe have two if it's with a meal.  If you are really worried about it you can start having that drink while you are feeding baby, it should be out of your system by next feed.  
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  • I limit myself to one drink while BFing, which is my limit for driving as well. I know I would probably be fine for either after two, but I'd rather be cautious. I have found stouts do help my supply, but not other beers. I haven't had a mixed drink while BFing but that's because I'm not a huge fan of them. I wouldn't specifically avoid one if one I liked was being offered. I'm just more of a red wine girl than anything else.
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  • The evenings I had beer or wine I did so while the baby was feeding.
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  • I will drink before, during, after nursing. I have become a lightweight and rarely have more than one drink at a time, so I'm not worried. At brunch yesterday I nursed DS2 while drinking a yummy Bloody Mary.
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  • KellyMom says if you can drive, you can feed? There is a whole section, can't remember what else it says, but check it out.
  • One drink and still feed, more than that and I see how I'm feeling, but may lean towards a bottle. I tend to have a glass of wine each night right after I out her down. She tends to sleep for 2-3 hours at that point so I know I have some time.
    Hallelujah, it's a miracle, I have children AND a signature!

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    TTC since February 2009
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  • I would drink my wine while BFing.
    DS 3.12.08
    DD 7.11.09
    DD 8.01.13
  • Careful calling Kate a bitch, you're going to get yelled at!
  • Careful calling Kate a bitch, you're going to get yelled at!

    I wanted to see if anyone would flag me;)
  • I'm in the if I can drive I can feed club.
    Andrea 7/9/08, Joaquin 4/18/11, boy coming 12/18/13 Forever missed: Gabriel 11/24/09 at 20 weeks
  • About beer... if I had an oatmeal stout in the evening, I had more milk when I pumped in the morning. I'm a lightweight so if I felt buzzed at all we'd bottle feed. Alcohol's only in the milk while it's in the bloodstream so I was usually fine to BF an hour or so from my last sip. (I was only having one drink a day.)
  • I'm in the if I can drive I can feed club.
    This for me too. I didn't drink that much when BFing anyway, though. I was more concerned about the dehydration factor than about the alcohol content of my milk.
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