HI, im only 16 weeks, but was starting to look into different birthing practices - Lamaze, hypnobirth, Alexander. Wanted to know pros/cons on each as well as others if there are any others, as I have no idea what to do(this is my first pregnancy), and what to have as much information as I can.
Re: Thoughs on different birthing practices.
I asked my OB the same question last appointment. She said that the only recommendation she would give is Lamaze. She said that she didn't think hypnobirthing worked (which surprised me because so many people on TB talk about it) and the other methods she disliked because it made people feel guilty about having an epidural if needed.
My other question was about episiotomies and tearing. She said that she can help minimize tearing better with an epidural patient than someone going natural because when you are in a lot of pain, you push hard and want the baby out. She said with an epidural, at the very end, she can have me give a "half push" and guide the baby out gentler. For this and other reasons, we decided to plan for an epidural.
Married DH 9/30/2011 - TTC #1 since 11/2012
BFP 5/30/2013 EDD 2/8/2014 M/C blighted ovum 7/5/2013 8 weeks 3 days
BFP 11/16/2013 Beautiful, perfect heartbeat 12/9/2013 EDD 7/31/2014 Please be our rainbow baby!
I would be surprised if actual data showed a greater likelihood of tearing with an unmedicated birth.
DD: 8/20/14; DS: 11/13/16; DD: 5/3/19; DD: 8/31/21; Baby #5 (team green) due 3/24/24
I am definitely in favor of med-free birth if that is an aim for the MTB. However, meds to aid with pain are not an impediment to pushing/labor all the time.
Also, with my lower lumbar fractures it was a blessing to have others brace/hold my legs so I could push. Without that type of support it would have been more difficult.
Med free birth is awesome & I am not downing it, but epiderals can make an experience more pleasant & reduce stress on mother & baby in certain circumstances. Having experienced both I feel the need to say that.
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