I just toss mine in the crock pot with a little water and seasoning and then add the veggies about 2ish hours before so they're not mushy. I totally forgot about St. Patrick's day until late last night and ended up running to the store to get everything.
I made it yesterday. Carrots corn beef and cabbage in the crockpot with a bottle of beer and some water. Comes out perfect. Today im taking the left over corn beef some potatos cheese and spinach and makeing stuffed bread
ugh i am but DS woke up sick, took him to the dr., & still haven't started it yet. ds may get something easy for dinner, dh & i will eat at midnight lol.
i have been eating irish soda bread all freaking day though. mmmmmmm.
I cooked mine in Guinness this year....the brisket, seasoning packet, cabbage, potatoes, and carrots in the crockpot with one can of Guinness and just enough water to cover everything. Cook on low for 8 hours. It was delish!
I had never made one before tonight. I stuck the seasoned beef in the crockpot with whole potatoes, salt and water. I let that go on low for about 3 1/2 hours, then added cabbage and carrots. I let that go another 2 hours, pulled the meat out and stuck it in the oven to crisp. It was actually pretty good!
Re: Anyone making corned beef and cabbage today?
I just toss mine in the crock pot with a little water and seasoning and then add the veggies about 2ish hours before so they're not mushy. I totally forgot about St. Patrick's day until late last night and ended up running to the store to get everything.
Today im taking the left over corn beef some potatos cheese and spinach and makeing stuffed bread
i have been eating irish soda bread all freaking day though. mmmmmmm.