Stay at Home Moms


Random - I got a coupon for a free iced coffee from DD on Monday's in March.  Woop woop right?  Well the first Monday it was shitty so we didn't go out.  Last Monday I was all excited to get my free coffee, but then today it's shitty again so we're staying it! Its like DD planned it this way....I blame them for the snow.  FWP I know haha.

Vent - Well...snow.  Again.  

AW - DS is almost 2 :)  I can't believe it.  3 more weeks really but I'm getting together invites and stuff for his party this week and I'm excited.  Also DH left late for work this morning so the three of us got some snuggle time in bed.  Love those mornings.

Re: Randoms/Vents/AWs

  • My kids slept until 8:30 and 9:00 today.  It was glorious!  :)

    My babies woke up at 4:15 this morning. I-)
    Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers Image and video hosting by TinyPic Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
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  • My kids are off for spring break this week, so no school/preschool.  We should go do something, but I just don't want to today.  
    Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • AW: I used to post on here about two years ago. Well, I'm back cuz I'm pg again. Hi!

    Vent: DH and I have been a ball of nerves all week waiting to find out if he is getting a promotion to a job 3 hours east of here. He would start ASAP. I have only driven thru this part of the state once and I'm terrified/excited and can't stop thinking about the ten million things I have to do to get ready. Yeah.

    Random: almond coconut butter is so delicious.
    Elkanah Brave, born 02/06/2012 7:26am
  • AW: DD's birthday party was Saturday and I'm not gonna lie, you guys - I rocked it. I'm so, so happy with how everything turned out :) DD had the time of her life!

    vent: DD's schedule got all thrown off last week/on the weekend, and she's been wanting to nap way too late in the day and then stay up way too late into the night... last night she was finally asleep by 10:00 pm :S She had the most epic tantrum ever yesterday morning! We gotta get back on track...

    Lilypie Third Birthday tickersLilypie First Birthday tickers

  • AW - my baby is almost 1!

    vent - we had his birthday party yesterday. My dad, SM and her friend are here. SM and her friend came downstairs for 10 minutes, then came down for the party food, then came down for dinner. That's it. We didn't see them otherwise. In the short time SM was downstairs, she was playing on her tablet. DD1 asked "do you have to work on that right now?" She said yes. Poor DD1 just wanted to play with her Nana. Unfortunately Facebook was more important. It wouldn't bother so much, but the kids only get to see their grandparents once a year for a week or less.

    random - I want Starbucks, but it's not in my diet.

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    C  7.16.2008 | L  11.12.2010 | A  3.18.2013


  • Aw: I ran 5 miles this morning. First time since I got sick. I am back on track with 10k training!

    Random: DD was tearing everything apart this morning looking for a leprechaun. The leprechaun made a mess at preschool last week and she wanted to find him before he messed up the house, especially her room. Too bad our house is now a mess from her searching. I did the scavenger hunt with them early so she would stop looking, so they had some chocolate coins for brunch.

    Vent: There is still snow on the ground and it is still cold!! Ugh!!
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Aw: I was taking a nap with DD2 after a rough night of night weaning and woke up to a spotless kitchen thanks to DH!! Best feeling ever!

    Random: I'm taking a parenting class at church based on love and logic and it has been awesome!!!

    No vents for today! :-)
  • Random: I'm taking a parenting class at church based on love and logic and it has been awesome!!!

    I wish our church would do one of these. DH adores his kids like no other, but logistically, his parenting leaves a lot to be desired. He's terrible with follow through.

    **Nestie Besties with Deutschefairy**

    Diagnosed PCOS '03, TTC #1 Since March '09
    BFP - 10/20/10, M/C - 10/29/10
    June 2011 - 50mg Clomid = No O
    Dieted and exercised my butt off for PCOS = BFP 5/7/2012
    Due 12/29/2012
  • CnAmom said:
    Random- my kids are at school and I'm sitting here watching Imagination Movers all by myself. Mostly because I left the remote in the kitchen....

    I love me that show. Lol. We all dance and sing to it. If I'm in the kitchen and the song comes on dd comes barging in and makes me come dance. Haha
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Hollylb3 said:

    Random: I'm taking a parenting class at church based on love and logic and it has been awesome!!!

    I wish our church would do one of these. DH adores his kids like no other, but logistically, his parenting leaves a lot to be desired. He's terrible with follow through.
    I feel you there! This class has totally changed our parenting for the better! It's called "loving your kids on purpose" by Danny silk! You should suggest it to your church! They are DVDs with workbooks!

  • CnAmom said:
    CnAmom said:
    Random- my kids are at school and I'm sitting here watching Imagination Movers all by myself. Mostly because I left the remote in the kitchen....

    I love me that show. Lol. We all dance and sing to it. If I'm in the kitchen and the song comes on dd comes barging in and makes me come dance. Haha
    I may have been a little too excited when we found it on the tv this morning. I love it and was so sad when they got canned.

    They play a million episodes a morning on Disney junior I think. It seems like no matter what time in the morning I turn on the tv that show is on.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Hollylb3 said:

    Random: I'm taking a parenting class at church based on love and logic and it has been awesome!!!

    I wish our church would do one of these. DH adores his kids like no other, but logistically, his parenting leaves a lot to be desired. He's terrible with follow through.
    I feel you there! This class has totally changed our parenting for the better! It's called "loving your kids on purpose" by Danny silk! You should suggest it to your church! They are DVDs with workbooks!

    They tried to set one up before and our pastor asked someone to teach it who is so far beyond not qualified that it's not even funny. No one signed up, shockingly. I actually wish my own parents would lead it, but I'm not sure how open DH would be to attending that, lol. Maybe I'll bring it up with my pastor again. :)

    **Nestie Besties with Deutschefairy**

    Diagnosed PCOS '03, TTC #1 Since March '09
    BFP - 10/20/10, M/C - 10/29/10
    June 2011 - 50mg Clomid = No O
    Dieted and exercised my butt off for PCOS = BFP 5/7/2012
    Due 12/29/2012
  • AW: Had so much fun this weekend! Saturday was just a relaxing and productive day and yesterday, DH, my mom, sister, and I took the babies to a local restaurant for some drinks and appetizers. The boys did so well! The last time I took them someplace to eat it was a lot more of, um, an adventure, but they did great this time! And the corned beef dinner I made later came out awesome! :)

    Vent: The boys are fighting over everything today. They just have to want with all their heart whatever toy the other one happens to have at the moment. It's driving me a little nuts.

    Random: DH's office is next door to an Irish pub. Every year on St. Patrick's Day they have a huge tent party is so loud and crazy. I wonder if he'll get any work done today. :-P

  • Random: I needed to dry and straighten my hair. I set up DS2 (he's 3.5) in our empty garden tub with his power rangers to play. He thought it was so fun that he asked to eat his lunch in there.

    Vent: I need energy; it's going to be a long evening out with friends. )the friend part is not the vent)

    AW: my best friend brought me flowers! She's the best!

  • Vent: DH and I have been fighting a lot. He always acts better for 2 days so I give in and think things are getting better and then it blows up. It's actually gotten really bad lately.

    AW: If I ask DD where her belly is, she will rub it. If I ask her where her hair is, she rubs her head with both hands. She only gets them mixed up sometimes. :)

    Random: There are a lot of geese around lately.
  • Vent: DH and I have been fighting a lot. He always acts better for 2 days so I give in and think things are getting better and then it blows up. It's actually gotten really bad lately.

    I'm sorry Roses. If you need to vent you can! 
  • hls19 said:

    Vent: DH and I have been fighting a lot. He always acts better for 2 days so I give in and think things are getting better and then it blows up. It's actually gotten really bad lately.

    I'm sorry Roses. If you need to vent you can! 

    Ditto. Sorry, girl. :(

    **Nestie Besties with Deutschefairy**

    Diagnosed PCOS '03, TTC #1 Since March '09
    BFP - 10/20/10, M/C - 10/29/10
    June 2011 - 50mg Clomid = No O
    Dieted and exercised my butt off for PCOS = BFP 5/7/2012
    Due 12/29/2012
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