Stay at Home Moms

Another advice needed, horrible situation.

One of my dear friends from my Knot days is living a total nightmare right now. Her husband was in a horrific car accident last week and is basically in a coma, outcome is uncertain. Lots of brain trauma, I'm hoping with all my heart he recovers but they just don't know right now. She has a toddler and an infant, she's trying to juggle that with being at the hospital. I'd like to fly out to help her over a weekend if I can swing it but it wouldn't be for another couple weeks. In the meantime does anyone know of a good meal service I could use to order her some good, healthy and preferably frozen stuff for her and her daughter? Or any other suggestions? Flowers are nice but they don't do much, if you know what I mean. I'm feeling helpless but I really want to help, any thoughts are appreciated. Thanks.

Re: Another advice needed, horrible situation.

  • Wisconsin.
  • This place is in MN and will ship freezer meals.  I've never done that, but the ones I've had make and take are great.
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  • 80's, she's in Oshkosh. Thanks for the ideas, everyone.
  • IS there any way you can start a fundraiser for her?  A brain injury is a very long process (months / years), if recovery is possible.  Money will eventually become an issue (unless they have a wealthy family).  Some funds may help her be able to spend more time in the hospital with him.
  • I like the idea of meal delivery but if she's spending most days/nights at the hospital, what about gift cards for local fast food type places.
  • Right now she's spending her days at the hospital and trying to make it home in time to put her girls to bed, sleeping there with them, and then putting them in the care of family or friends for the day so that she can go back to the hospital. Weekends are her biggest problem, logistically. She works and has them in daycare during the week, I'm assuming they'll go back tomorrow. Right now I'm not sure she's eating much at all, my thought was that it would be nice for her to be able to heat up some non-crap food in the evenings and have a decent meal with her daughter at home. Ugh, this just sucks so bad.
  • id012id012 member
    What about of you could pay for her hospital parking? I agree with gift cards. Who knows what people are bringing her and I bet she doesnt have a lot of time to heat up stuff. Maybe you can do a delivery of fresh fruit or even like a grocery delivery with toliet paper baby food snacks for the toddler lunch me at and sandwich stuff etc.
    I imagine she's doing a lot of driving back and forth and it might be nice to have a Starbucks or dnd gift card
  • I agree with Kate on this. I would do a variety of gift cards. Even frozen meals take time and effort that I am sure she doesn't have right now.
  • Thanks, guys, these are all good thoughts.
  • I am about an 11/2 from Oshkosh but drive through there frequently to visit family. I doubt you pay for parking at the hospital. That isn't common at any of the hospitals here. I can't think of any place that delivers frozen meals but they do have quite a few restaurants. I know I am not in her same city but if there is something I can do to help let me know.
  • I've worked in all the hospitals in Oshkosh and have never paid parking. There are quite a few restaurants near Mercy and Aurora, so gift cards to some of those might be nice. I just checked Peapod, and it says they don't have grocery delivery in Oshkosh yet. If she has time to shop, you could do a gift card to Pick n Save. That will be the most common grocery store. Does she have family in the area?
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  • I'd send a package for the toddler - new coloring book, stickers, bubbles, maybe a movie.
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