2nd Trimester

Low Papp A

Good afternoon Ladies,

 I had my first trimester screening last week and the genetic counselor told me my hormone  Papp A was low, 2%. I spoke with my OB and she said that they would continue to monitor the baby with additional ultra sounds, but that I was at risk for pre-clampsia, pre-term labor and growth restriction.  Has anyone else experienced Low Papp A and if so what was the outcome? Is there anything else I could or should be doing to help my baby?

Re: Low Papp A

  • I was also told by my OB that my Papp A hormone is low. She told me that there is nothing to worry about and that the baby and I will be monitored more..... I was told the same thing you were. Sorry I don't have any advise just wanted to let you know someone else is experiencing the same thing. :)
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  • I had low Papp A with my daughter and I had extra ultrasounds and NST at the end. They were worried about her growth for a while but she was born over 8 lbs so pretty regular sized.

    I actually went over 41 weeks with her and had to be induced. (for several reasons)

    The doctors told me there was nothing to do except wait and keep checking. When they were worried about her growth I did increase my protein intake. One doctor had told me to although another told me it would make no difference.
  • JanaDJanaD member
    Thank you Cipowe23 and blush64 for responding. Hearing from both of you makes me feel a little bit better.
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