It's pretty clear that most people hear have a strong opinion either way on these baby shower practices. Personally, I've attended many baby showers and have no problem following the cute little instruction poems that suggest an extra something in addition to the gift I was planning on bringing. For me, it just means that I have less to spend on the the thing I actually wanted to get off of the registry. And, as a frequent baby shower attendee, I love that you have a registry because it means that I can be assured that I'm getting you something you truly want/ need.
Here's my question: I'm now the one who is being given a baby shower. (It's my first. I'm excited.) Is there anything wrong with just adding (in addition to the usual baby necessities typically found on a baby registry) a bunch of books we'd like for baby and an assortment of diapers in the brand/ sizes that we're anticipating needing? Is it rude to be that specific or to have a registry that gets a little bigger because all of those extras have been added? Will it look greedy? My intention in doing this is to provide people who would like to give a gift a variety of things to choose from, and the freedom to shop at a price point they are comfortable with.
What do you think of this plan?
Update: Thanks for all of the great input ladies. I appreciate your help!
Re: ANSWERED: The "Books vs. Cards" / "Diaper Raffle" debate made me think...
It's not weird or wrong at all. IMO, that's the polite way to get books at your baby shower if you want them.
BFP 1- EDD 2/09/11 Missed MC DX @11 weeks D&C- 7/25/10 BFP 2- EDD 12/22/11 Natural MC @ 5w 2d BFP 3- EDD 1/25/12 DD Josephine born 1/16/12
I also agree with the sentiments that diapers as a gift are overlooked. I hosted a shower last weekend and added diapers in since the "main thing" wasn't quite enough. Afterwards, I found out that her husband had a diaper party the weekend before and they have a ton already. It kind of made me feel a little... Cheap almost?
Friends for 17 years. Married 10. TTC since Jan 2009.
2013: IVF#3/FET#4 Elisabeth CJ born April 30, 2014
Cerclage, P17, and 3 months of bed rest brought us our Rainbow.
Dum spiro, spero.
EDD: September 23
PGAL: September 2010
putting those items on your registry is a GREAT idea! lots of people, especially those who have LO's of their own, will get diapers and other small essentials in addition to, or instead of, a larger gift. if you don't put those things on there, people will be searching for them and you will probably end up with a lot of texts about what brand, size, etc. (I did). also, putting lots of those smaller things on the registry is great so the guests have more options on what to buy.
I didn't put a ton of diapers/books/non-essential items on my registry and my MIL, aunts, family, friends, all started texting me a few weeks before the shower saying I needed to add more stuff. don't be afraid to have too much on there! I ended up going online and back to the store to add more and give everyone more options. I still got all the necessities, plus tons of cute and thoughtful non-essentials (books, teethers, small toys, etc)