So a few weeks ago during my OB appt I pointed out what looked like a dime size skin irritation to my doc. I don't typically have skin issues but this somewhat resembled dry skin but wasn't going away. She asked to see it her fear it being ring worm; apparently, it didn't look like ring worm and said prob dry skin don't worry. Well, it slowly got larger and now most certainly looks like ring worm, however, with it, came many other small red bumps almost looking like chicken pox but haven't traveled outside of the core area (thank god). so I did some googling and now think i have a good self diagnosis (I am waiting on OB to call me back right now to schedule time to come in) Pityriasis rosea. which has one larger looking patch resembling ring worm and then spreads. No one knows what causes it, and its said to go away on its own but i also jsut read that it has potential to cause serious problems in pregnant women. ANyone been thru this before?!? I''m wary or prescriptions and medications because of lack of research over time to see how anything really affects fetus.
Good lord, hopefully get into doc today. Have an appt on friday which i almost would consider waiting for but its an ultrasound appt not at my main office so i don't know if i'd just be seeing a tech or an actual doc.....
Re: Help, freaking out...
well the ob told me to use benyadryl and 'if it gets worse (since i've had it now for 5 weeks) they'll want to see me'. so apparently it doesnt matter if its ring worm or a rash that can cause harm. they dont care.
@dmurrie, thanks, i don't have a general doc though. I never get sick and haven't been to the doctor in years. my option i guess would be to go to urgent care next to get a 2nd opinion or seek out a dermatologist.
God Bless You my Little One
Farida, our first child, born on the 19th of July 2014
Farida, at 8 weeks
God Bless You my Little One
Farida, our first child, born on the 19th of July 2014
Farida, at 8 weeks
before you continue to jump down my throat, the first thing i stated because of people like you, is that i was trying to confirm doctors appt to find out what it actually is. but in the mean time yes, i'll google possibilities because ya i'm worried about my unborn child. there's a difference between researching possible causes versus self diagnosing. and for your judgemental self i said i was wary of prescriptions yes, that doesn't mean if i have an infection of some sort that requires them i won't take them. i'm allowed to be concerned and voice it.
just as your allowed to be a quick to judge prick.
Just to be fair, you used the term self-diagnose in your initial post.
@mcculloughe, thanks, apprently there's a few rashes out there that start out looking like ring worm that get misdiagnosed frequently; hopefully i'll find out soon.
God Bless You my Little One
Farida, our first child, born on the 19th of July 2014
Farida, at 8 weeks