2nd Trimester

Help, freaking out...

So a few weeks ago during my OB appt I pointed out what looked like a dime size skin irritation to my doc. I don't typically have skin issues but this somewhat resembled dry skin but wasn't going away. She asked to see it her fear it being ring worm; apparently, it didn't look like ring worm and said prob dry skin don't worry. Well, it slowly got larger and now most certainly looks like ring worm, however, with it, came many other small red bumps almost looking like chicken pox but haven't traveled outside of the core area (thank god). so I did some googling and now think i have a good self diagnosis (I am waiting on OB to call me back right now to schedule time to come in) Pityriasis rosea. which has one larger looking patch resembling ring worm and then spreads. No one knows what causes it, and its said to go away on its own but i also jsut read that it has potential to cause serious problems in pregnant women. ANyone been thru this before?!? I''m wary or prescriptions and medications because of lack of research over time to see how anything really affects fetus.

Good lord, hopefully get into doc today. Have an appt on friday which i almost would consider waiting for but its an ultrasound appt not at my main office so i don't know if i'd just be seeing a tech or an actual doc.....

Re: Help, freaking out...

  • no advice but I hope you get in to see your OB, even if you see a doctor at the ultrasound they won't give you advice except to see your regular OB.  Too much of a liability for them to treat you without knowing your history

  • First off don't over stress a self-diagnosis via googling.  There is a good chance you are wrong.  Make an appointment with your general doctor if you can and wait for the experts to tell you what is going on.
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  • well the ob told me to use benyadryl and 'if it gets worse (since i've had it now for 5 weeks) they'll want to see me'. so apparently it doesnt matter if its ring worm or a rash that can cause harm. they dont care.

  • Hey there, just wanted to second trying to get in to see your primary doctor. They see and treat a lot more rashes than your OB. In this case, your OB may have thought it was dry skin or eczema and thus not be worried. It's OK to get a second opinion. Also, if there isn't a treatment researched with pregnant women, they may want to give it a few more days to see if it starts to resolve before starting you on any stronger meds... sometimes, the treatment for something can be worse than what you have in the first place. Good luck! I hope it gets better and doesn't give you any more problems!
  • @dmurrie, thanks, i don't have a general doc though. I never get sick and haven't been to the doctor in years. my option i guess would be to go to urgent care next to get a 2nd opinion or seek out a dermatologist.

  • I had  Pityriasis rosea before it started with one point then went all over my back, butt, and front. It was itchy and horrible and disappeared after 6 months.

    now I wouldn't jump into conclusions before your doctor does tell you that this is actually what you have.

    there is no well known reason for Pityriasis rosea, doctors do say however that it occurs in people who are going through stress which suppresses their immune system and causes this hive if they are prune to having immune system related issues which apparently I do because the hive wasn't the only thing I got so far due to stress suppressing my immune system.

    I wasn't pregnant when I had it so I don't know what is the effect of it on pregnancy etc But there is no medication for it, it appears on it's own and disappears on its own too in my case it took 6 months from break out to disappearing. It isn't contagious that I do know. The only thing my doctor gave me for it was a lotion so take down the urge to scratch a notch...do not scratch it!

    and I hope your doctor can confirm what it is that you have and help you feel better 

    God Bless You my Little One
    Farida, our first child, born on the 19th of July 2014
    Farida, at 8 weeks
  • yeah and go see a dermatologist definately not your OB
    God Bless You my Little One
    Farida, our first child, born on the 19th of July 2014
    Farida, at 8 weeks
  • Oh no! Given those options, I'd think the dermatologist might be your best bet, I guess depending on when you can get an appointment. They'll have the most experience with skin rashes and will be most likely to be able to help you. If you use an urgent care, go to one aphiliated with a hospital (not one in a drug store one). The hospital aphiliated ones tend to have more qualified doctors (drug store urgent cares often use primarily nurses) and they have the hospital's resources behind them, , including the labs, in case they decide to run any tests, etc.
  • Joy2611 said:
    drae86 said:

     I''m wary or prescriptions and medications because of lack of research over time to see how anything really affects fetus.

    So, you'd rather have something running through your body that is proven to be bad for pregnant women than take the medications to get rid of it?

    I will NEVER understand this logic.  NEVER.

    EDIT: Go to a doctor.  Get them to confirm what is going on with you (don't self-diagnose, c'mon.)  Tell them that you are pregnant and then follow their instructions.  If it is something that is bad for the baby, it is 100% better to get rid of it then let it run rampant and potentially turn into something worse.  Common sense pleasthis

    before you continue to jump down my throat, the first thing i stated because of people like you, is that i was trying to confirm doctors appt to find out what it actually is. but in the mean time yes, i'll google possibilities because ya i'm worried about my unborn child. there's a difference between researching possible causes versus self diagnosing. and for your judgemental self i said i was wary of prescriptions yes, that doesn't mean if i have an infection of some sort that requires them i won't take them.  i'm allowed to be concerned and voice it.

    just as your allowed to be a quick to judge prick. :)

  • ksukitty1979ksukitty1979 member
    edited March 2014
    drae86 said:
    Joy2611 said:
    drae86 said:

     I''m wary or prescriptions and medications because of lack of research over time to see how anything really affects fetus.

    So, you'd rather have something running through your body that is proven to be bad for pregnant women than take the medications to get rid of it?

    I will NEVER understand this logic.  NEVER.

    EDIT: Go to a doctor.  Get them to confirm what is going on with you (don't self-diagnose, c'mon.)  Tell them that you are pregnant and then follow their instructions.  If it is something that is bad for the baby, it is 100% better to get rid of it then let it run rampant and potentially turn into something worse.  Common sense pleasthis

    before you continue to jump down my throat, the first thing i stated because of people like you, is that i was trying to confirm doctors appt to find out what it actually is. but in the mean time yes, i'll google possibilities because ya i'm worried about my unborn child. there's a difference between researching possible causes versus self diagnosing. and for your judgemental self i said i was wary of prescriptions yes, that doesn't mean if i have an infection of some sort that requires them i won't take them.  i'm allowed to be concerned and voice it.

    just as your allowed to be a quick to judge prick. :)

  • Just to be fair, you used the term self-diagnose in your initial post.

  • @Joy1126, i wanted to apologize for calling you a prick. i'm royally pissed at my ob for not giving a shit and ready to jump at anyone that gets in the way right now.
  • I also suggest checking with a dermatologist if you are still concerned. If it is ring worm, you can use Tinactin or any Athlete's foot cream to stop the itching. They are safe to use while pregnant.
  • It could also be psoriasis. I had an aunt that didn't show it until she became pregnant, when all her hormones when crazy. It presented itself to appear much like ring worm, they actually misdiagnosed it as ringworm for 3 weeks before she had a skin scraping.
  • @mcculloughe, thanks, apprently there's a few rashes out there that start out looking like ring worm that get misdiagnosed frequently; hopefully i'll find out soon.

  • My brother had Pityriasis rosea in college and it went away on it's own eventually but was very unpleasant and left scars that he still has today. Obviously he wasn't pregnant at the time so I have no idea how it affects pregnancy. Wish I had advice for you, hopefully your doctor can help you figure out what the best move is!
    BabyFruit TickerBaby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • @audrelaine510 mine actually left no scars, I was worried it would but it didn't, if it did I would have been covered in them.
    God Bless You my Little One
    Farida, our first child, born on the 19th of July 2014
    Farida, at 8 weeks
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