I called my doctor this morning, and they’re supposed to call back, but my husband accidentally took the only phone we have to work with him, so now they won’t get ahold of me today. It’s not a big deal, it can wait until tomorrow, because really there's nothing to be done about it today anyway, but I’m curious.
When I first started seeing my doctor (I thought I was 10 weeks, but I was actually only 5--huge scare), my tsh(ths?) level was at 27.8, and my thyroid meds were at .088 from the quack doctor I had with my previous pregnancy. Normal tsh level is 1-2..so obviously, I was way out there, which explained my constant weight gain no matter what, my constant slugishness and being tired all the time, etc. Logically, I shouldn’t be pregnant right now, my pregnancy shouldn’t have progressed past 5-6 weeks, so it’s by the grace of God, that I have this miracle..but that’s not my point.
So when I saw my doctor for the first time, he bumped my thyroid meds from the .088 to .200. After 4 weeks, I went back, he checked them, and my thyroid was overactive, so he bumped it down from the .200 to .150, and then at my last appointment, it was still overactive, so he bumped it down again. I didn’t pay attention to the dosage this time, because I just assumed it was .100 or something. Lately I’ve been so slugish again, and tired all the time, and so I looked at my med bottle today, and he bumped it down to a .050. I was at a.088 when my thyroid was so out of whack at a 27.8..and this dosage is even lower….so I’m really worried about this. How is a .050 supposed to work if .088 wasn’t working?
Has anyone had experience with this, because I'm so confused?
Re: Hypothyroidism