2nd Trimester


Can anyone advise me on public assistance. There is no way we can afford health insurance nor child care for our little one due September 2, 2014. I leave in Eastern N.C. and I need ublic assitance. I makeabout  $13 an hour and we are unmarried and most of the bills are in his name; while I buy all household goods for about 4 adults and 1 child with one on the way. and i pay him for rent and urilities.  Can I get help?? I can't afford for daycare nor the time for me to miss work to even give birth.

Re: Assistance

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  • thank you... this was not an planned pregnany by far.. I was told for 14 years that I could not get pregnant .. I know you cant plan finacialy but since he already pay child supposrt and I cant make enough to cover all this food and care for my little sweet pumpkin


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  • You could possibly qualify, it just depends. I'm only familiar with Illinois guidelines. I would contact your local DHS office or the link above to get started.

    There's Medicaid, WIC, Link (food 'stamps') and child care assistance through most states.

    If you live together, some states will want you to include HIS income as well (you would be household of 3 normally since they include your pregnancy).

    WIC is for low to moderate income families, and they didn't include my S/O's income in IL, and I qualified because I'm pregnant and I have DD. It's a really nice program if you love cereal/milk/juice, I just use the produce coupons and get eggs/cheese to stretch my budget for right now. It's a great program and it's different than food stamps. They also help pay for formula if you were to need help with that, and they provide breastfeeding support if you go that route. Some rent breast pumps to you also!

    I also am curious why you are buying 'household goods' for other adults. Why??

    "Your truth is different from my truth, and we're both right."

    TTC since March 2013. BFP 4/13/13, blighted ovum discovered 6/6/13, m/c 6/8/13.

    BFP 11/10/13, EDD 7/25/13 - stick little owlet!

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  • momthatliftsmomthatlifts member
    edited March 2014
    Have you tried your health department? I know mine automatically signs you up for pregnancy Medicaid when you go to your first prenatal visit. Then try applying for WIC. It can help you with a little food. Why are you paying for 4 adults?

    It's a BOY

  • In terms of health care, you could also check if any of the hospitals in your area run a clinic for OB care. These are especially common at teaching/university hospitals and are staffed by residents with an attending level physician overseeing them. 
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