2nd Trimester

Moby Mom Question

I knew I wanted a Moby pretty much from the git-go. I've just always heard really good things about them! DH cousin offered to give us so much of their baby stuff since they are done having kids now. Woot Woot!! One thing on her list was a Moby Wrap.

My question is this wrap was used with two kids, I don't know how frequently. I know they take care of their things well I'm just wondering if they stretch and wear out? Should I risk it or register for my own?

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Re: Moby Mom Question

  • Your Moby is probably not"worn out" & will work just fine. I live in the north & had a May baby & LOVED our moby & used it a ton.
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  • Thanks ladies! I'll keep it off the registry and if it works for us then it works and if not oh well :) 
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  • It should be fine.  Just realize that the Moby is kind of a stretchy, jersey material, so you need to wrap it tighter than you think you need.  There is a learning curve, but I can wrap my Moby very quickly, now.

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  • Laurendag said:

    Personally I would get a different non-Moby wrap. They stretch and sag, and you can't backwear. And they are hot as hell which considering your in second tri your having a summer/late spring baby no? Way too hot. Splurge for an ergo or something similar. Our Moby has never been as useful as it is now, helping position the car seat.

    I had an Ergo, too.  With the infant insert, it's hot as hell for the baby.  I liked my ergo a lot, though, for hiking and once DS got older.  I liked my Moby better for when he was younger (<3 months), though.

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  • Just bought an Ergo for my friends baby shower at the end of March I'm gonna try it out first! Shhh :)
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  • jdoxjdox member
    My son was born in July and I loved using the Moby with him.  I wore him around the house to get stuff done, so I'm not sure if it would have gotten too hot outside. I would think the material would hold up just fine. I did find it uncomfortable to wear once he got to be over 3 months old.
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