2nd Trimester

Slight pains on and off, round ligament? or??

alyssarenee90alyssarenee90 member
edited March 2014 in 2nd Trimester
I've been noticing slight pains, they're not as painful as when I get up real quick and have that quick sharp pain of ligaments.... 
Theyre pretty dull. and I wouldnt say im in pain, its more just annoying/worrisome. But I get them at work, I work retail so Im always standing up and walking around working on something. I thought at first it was just round ligament pain, but everything I read says that just comes from sudden movements. (and theyre not that intense) They last longer then that too, and theyre more consistant. I dont notice them when im at home and relaxing. Any thoughts? is anybody else experiencing this? I keep trying to google it, but Im not finding anything.
Im 13 weeks btw. Ive noticed this a couple times when I was around 6 weeks as well.

Re: Slight pains on and off, round ligament? or??

  • Yep, lots of aches and pains off and on the whole time so far. With my DS, most of the aches came in the 2nd trimester, but this time they started early. I think just round ligament pain. Unless they are CRAMP cramps, I wouldn't worry. I always mention the aches to my doctor and she just says it comes with the territory. Congrats and best wishes to you!
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  • Where are you feeling them? I was having a stabbing pain on my right side a few days ago and I called my doctor only to find out it was RLP and completely normal. If it's in the middle, like where your uterus is then I'd call the doctor. If it's on either side I wouldn't worry. Good luck!

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  • I was getting aches and pains too toward the beginning of 2nd tri. Just hurt kinda all over in my lower abdomen and back. My doctor also said it is totally normal and she wasn't worried about it. Stretching helped a little bit as well as laying down/resting.
  • I felt aches and pains off and on too. The worst was four days of it. Felt like the baby was stretching my right side so hard. Sitting long time at work didn't help much. I avoid tylenol and used a hot water bottle to ease my sore side and rested on my left side as much as I could with supported pillows. Than after the fourth day, it was like nothing happened and pain was gone. Strange. Just take it easy if you feel more growing pains.
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