I've not vomited the entire 3 months and on the exact day that I'm 12 weeks pg, I puke in the kitchen sink.
I've been nauseated since week 7 and it started to get better last week. I went to make myself a bagel this morning and started to gag...which I've done before...but this time I threw up!
Seems so weird to me, anyone else start throwing up so late? I'm praying that this is a one-time thing!?
Re: 1st m/s attack at 12 weeks!
How long did it last for you? Just wondering what I might be in for!?
I already have tums for the heartburn, thanks for the advice!?
*sticks fingers in ears* LA LA LA LA I CAN'T HEAR YOU!
No seriously, I'm sorry. I hope that's a one-time thing. I was hoping I'd dodged the bullet, and your post scares me a little! I hope you have zero more gagging and zero more vomiting!
the exact same thing happened to me with my first pg and with this one.... did not puke at all until 12-13w. So far this time it's only been once... with my first pg i only puked 3x's total - all were from brushing my teeth.
haha, sorry! I didn't mean to scare anyone...but it did scare me! I was so excited to be to 12 weeks and then bam!
I'm feeling okay now...hoping that it lasts! Good luck to you!?