March 2014 Moms

Mia Hope's birth story! PIP! (Amymheidecker)

Short story: after failure to progress at a 4 because mia was stuck in my pelvis i had to have a c-section. Mia made her entrance in this world at 6:29PM cst. She was 7 pounds 8 oz, 19.25 inches long! She has dark brown hair and of course blue eyes!

Long Story:

From 8:40AM, when my water broke to 5:00PM i went from a 1 to 4. My cervix was still high but i got to about 75% effaced.
But on max dose of pit i just wasn't going anywhere.

Around 3:30-4 i got the epidural. Amazing invention- took the cx pain away!

At that time(5) CS was basically our only option. Mia was starting to not handle the cx well, her heart started to get an arrhythmia and i was getting nervous as well.

From about 5:30-6 i was getting prepped and ready to go to the OR. The meds they gave made me shake so bad! But since i had just received an epi they did not make me get a spinal. I still experienced the "i cannot feel me breathing" weird. The anesthesiologist was a God send, he talked me down when i got nervous, and cleaned me up when i got sick.

At 6:29PM cst, Mia came screaming into this world. She was trying to make her way down into the birth canal, but got her head caught in my pelvic bone so she was un able to fully descend. Thats why she has a little bruising on her eye.

They cleaned her up and assessed her heart, as far as i know she is now perfectly healthy, like the arrhythmia went away.

They brought her to my husband and the minute he started talking she stopped crying- little turkey is such a daddy's girl! Then i was able to see her and it was amazing.

She has dark hair. I was totally expecting red but her eyebrows are blonde, so who knows what color everything will end up being!

Once i got done in recovery, i was able to nurse and she latched on well with my left side, but has no interest in my right. So thats a work in progress.

Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers! I am so happy my rainbow baby is here!!

Here are baby pics!! For funsies i compared our 3D with her and it is really scary how accurate it is!
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