Hey ladies, I was at immediate care yesterday for a confirmed sinus infection. The nurse pract I saw said I definitely had a "raging sinus infection" but said that she didn't feel comfortable prescribing me a med because I am 23 weeks PG and she "just wasn't sure what to prescribe that would be safe." She recommended that I call my OB this am. My question is: have any of you had a prescribed med for a sinus infect? I obviously want to be safe and do what is best for the baby, but sweet mother of mercy, I am miserable! Obviously, I'm going to call this am, but was curious if any of you had been in the same boat. TY!!!
Re: Sinus infection
LFAF Summer 2016 Awards:
My twins Benjamin and Olivia
God Bless You my Little One
Farida, our first child, born on the 19th of July 2014
Farida, at 8 weeks