2nd Trimester

Sinus infection

Hey ladies, I was at immediate care yesterday for a confirmed sinus infection.  The nurse pract I saw said I definitely had a "raging sinus infection" but said that she didn't feel comfortable prescribing me a med because I am 23 weeks PG and she "just wasn't sure what to prescribe that would be safe."  She recommended that I call my OB this am. My question is: have any of you had a prescribed med for a sinus infect?  I obviously want to be safe and do what is best for the baby, but sweet mother of mercy, I am miserable!  Obviously, I'm going to call this am, but was curious if any of you had been in the same boat.  TY!!!

Re: Sinus infection

  • Ask your OB. Get a safe antibiotic. Take it. Simple as that.

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  • I had an upper respitory/sinus infection earlier on, doc found and double checked that the antibiotic he chose was safe for pregnancy. I also made sure to confirm with pharmacist that it was safe. It's super hard to find antibiotics for me (many allergies), but there are options - feel better!
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  • I'm on augmentin for a sinus infection
  • I have a sinus infection right now and I have had them before I was pregnant and never thought to go to the doctor for it. I always just deal with it.  I hope you feel better soon!



    My twins Benjamin and Olivia



  • I got a nasty sinus infection at 27 weeks and the doc gave me Augmentin.  Worked like a charm.  So well, in fact, that it gave me a yeast infection.  So...eat your yogurt!
    DS1 ~ BFP - 1/29/10  EDD 10/9/10  Born 9/27/10!
    DS2 ~ BFP - 8/26/13  EDD 5/8/14  Born 5/1/2014!

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  • I have it right now. My 2nd time during this pregnancy. I've been drinking a medicine called Sudafed but switched to Paracetamol because I ended up with a fever last night. Now, I feel much better. I'm too scared to take any antibiotics. I've just been taking hot showers, eating soup, lemon water, and orange juice. I'm also now starting to take Vitamin C chewables. I hope it goes away soon. I've had It for a week now! 

    Sinus Infection is the worse pain so far I've encountered. FEEL BETTER SOON!
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • z-pak for sinus infection.  
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  • I'm in the same boat, but I'm skipping the regular doctor and just asking my OB for something at my monthly visit tomorrow.
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  • I think I'm just starting to get a sinus infection, my first cold of the season.  I thought I was going to make it all the way thru winter unscathed but I'm afraid not.  I was looking at the list of approved cold medications and when I did additional research on them a lot of them have very little data to back up their safety.  What have you guys taken & felt completely comfortable with taking?  I almost popped two Sudafed this morning, but after research I decided against it.
    BabyFetus Ticker
  • the last time I had a sinus infection I also had a fever and really badly inflamed tonsils (YAY!) so I was on antibiotics and some other anti-congestion meds that my doctor prescribed.

    A couple of weeks ago I had a really bad allergy attack (I had stupidly bought a potted plant with flowers and brought it into the bedroom X_X) I felt like my sinuses were on fire, like I had gotten hit in the head by a bus. I removed the pot the second day out of the bedroom (noticed it was blooming too!) but my allergy symptoms went on for 2 days to follow and I was given the following; vitamin C, immune boosting lozenges, a nose spray that was supposed to moisten the mucus and help it move  & a Vicks inhaler but that was it, it gave me some relief.

    Neti Pots never worked for me, I have many allergies & live in a very dusty sandy country, and I breath through one nostril only because of a Deviated Nasal Septum so I've had my fair share of infections.

    Check with your OB and/or an ENT doctor and let him know that you are pregnant and how far along you are they might be able to put you on something to help you out. Sinus infections are not fun. Get well!
    God Bless You my Little One
    Farida, our first child, born on the 19th of July 2014
    Farida, at 8 weeks
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