Alright LO is officially full on teething and I'm at a loss as to what to do. For those of you who've been dealing with this for awhile what have you found that works best? Teething gels, tablets, Tylenol, icing her pacifier.... Ah so many choices? She's not super painful so I'm not giving Tylenol for now but I want to find something to help take the edge off.
Please teach me your wise ways!
Re: Best teething solutions?
I bought tylenol and extra washcloths. I plan to freeze the wash cloths for LO to suck on. Tylenol if it gets really bad.
We have a few teething toys, but so far, LO doesn't seem to care for them much.
ETA: check on the usage of anything containing benzocaine (ie: Orajel). I don't believe it's recommended for infant use (anymore).
I've read that a completely frozen washcloth can burn their gums. The washcloth should just be cold and slightly frozen. Not completely stiff
You also wouldn't chew on an ice pack that's been in the freezer, so teething rings shouldn't go in there either. It even says so on the packaging.
I don't have any, or any pre planned ideas of using any.... But reading this thread reminded me that my mum used to recommend clove oil to me when I had tooth pain.
Umm I have really bad teeth.
Umm, I'm English, what can I say?
yup that's me!
Gum-omile from Herbs for Kids.
no need for the orajel crap.
This stuff is amazing. (And LO has 2 teeth that have broken through and already working on the third!)
You only need like 2 drops so the bottle will totes last until they're 16.
Edited for auto correct
I found it at my local health food store too. Which was good because we needed it in a hurry haha
Yes I've heard of doing that too! But it's got to be 100% chamomile and I didn't have any in the house.