,0,2353473.story#axzz2uLc5pS2BA new study reports that the children of women who took the drug
during pregnancy were about 40% more likely to be diagnosed with
attention deficit hyperactivity disorder than children of mothers who
took none.
While I copied in the headline, there is definitely more in the story and probably worth a read.
Re: Tylenol news?
I'm confused by how this could be considered fear mongering. Would it be better to not report the results of a 15-year study that found a significant link to ADHD? (I'm no expert, but 40% seems like a pretty big number). Also, from what little I can glean from this news story about it, they admit to the limited findings of their study.
FWIW, in the same TV news story, I heard a recommendation that women have their ovaries removed if they test positive for a particular genetic mutation. In comparison, a recommendation to limit your use of Tylenol to when you really need it seems pretty tame.
Ah, the power of technology!
I have ADHD so I've readied myself for the strong possibility my son will have it too. I'm certainly not going to dwell on all the Tylenol I took to keep my fever down when I had the flu over Christmas.