2nd Trimester

Tylenol news?


A new study reports that the children of women who took the drug during pregnancy were about 40% more likely to be diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder than children of mothers who took none.

While I copied in the headline, there is definitely more in the story and probably worth a read.

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Re: Tylenol news?

  • I would have posted some of your other excerpts from the story, just didn't want to take up a ton of space with my OP. Thanks ladies, for rounding out the details.

    I'm confused by how this could be considered fear mongering. Would it be better to not report the results of a 15-year study that found a significant link to ADHD? (I'm no expert, but 40% seems like a pretty big number). Also, from what little I can glean from this news story about it, they admit to the limited findings of their study.

    FWIW, in the same TV news story, I heard a recommendation that women have their ovaries removed if they test positive for a particular genetic mutation. In comparison, a recommendation to limit your use of Tylenol to when you really need it seems pretty tame.

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  • If you think about it, just about every pregnant woman out there has taken Tylenol for one reason or another during their pregnany as it the only thing we are really allowed to take. Combine that with the fact there is no definitive test for ADHD and this article holds no water.
  • I, shockingly, have not taken a thing all pregnancy yet aside from Colace. But I read this today and also thought "Oh great, more things for random, unofficial articles, to make women worry about"! Tylenol is on my OB's prescribed list of OK things to take as well. I have a lot of pain issues and gotten migraines, but I powered thru them by my own choice, so I just happen to have not taken any. But I know 7 pregnant friends at the moment and I think most of them have, so I hope this doesn't instill more fear. I have anxiety and when I first got pregnant I worried about EVERYTHING like this! I am a lot better now at not letting this stuff get to me.

    Ah, the power of technology!
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  • The study said 55% of pregnant women self-reported using acetaminophen during pregnancy, so not all of us use Tylenol. The other thing is while the numbers sounded scary (29%, 60% higher risk) the overall incidence was 2.5% of kids v. 3.4%. Maybe one of the smarter folks can chime in here, but that's not even a percentage point. Is that even statistically significant?

    I have ADHD so I've readied myself for the strong possibility my son will have it too. I'm certainly not going to dwell on all the Tylenol I took to keep my fever down when I had the flu over Christmas.

    H e n r y  May 21, 2014

  • This article offers no real information except enough to scare pregnant women away from tylenol.  a 40% increase sounds big and scary, but its from 2.5 to 3.4%.  I can't access the full article from here, but you would need A LOT more statistical data to even determine if that is significant.  I need a p value, dammit!

    plus, we don't even have a clear definition of ADHD, so it's difficult to say definitively if those children even have ADHD.  The study relied on medication usage and physician diagnoses, which includes any physician so who knows their true credentials or how they determined the diagnosis.  Also, I agree with PP that we don't know a whole lot... how much did the women take, how often, when, and for what reason?  If a person is needing tylenol every day there are probably other underlying issues.  Without a careful critique of this article, everything is conjecture.
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