I want to give birth in the hospital w/ my Dr., but there is also no way I am doing a medicated birth or anything like that so I am wondering about also having a doula. Anyone know any info about this (Does insurance cover?) and how to go about finding someone reputable? Anyone else thinking about this yet?
Re: Anyone thinking about a doula?
I'm not sure about insurance coverage, but I've heard a lot of positive feedback from those who have taken a class on the Bradley method. I'm currently reading "Natural Childbirth the Bradley Way" and it has a ton of great information. My mom read the book and had five children sans all pain medication, so I'm taking her advice lol!
Thanks everyone. I am definitely going to look into the Bradley Method!
We're having a midwife for the delivery and a friend is a doula - and providing her services as a gift to my husband!
Insurance does not cover a doula. Find doula services near you by googling it or asking at maternity stores... If, after meeting the lady/man you feel you have someone you can trust and can speak for you should there be a problem, you should be fine.