I believe they are less sensitive, so if you are testing before AF is expected you may get a false negative... I went for the digital because I tested one day before AF.
I got my positive on an internet cheapie, I never bought a digital to confirm but did take like a million of them to see if the first positive was a fluke
I got my first two BFPs last friday on cheapo ones from Big Lots (I only go there to stock up on pee sticks! lol) and they worked right away. I bought a digital after that just because I wanted to see it
I couldn't get a positive on the dollar tree test until a week after AF was due so they were kind of a waste of money for me because I ended up wanting to know earlier and bought a EPT early test anyways! I guess that's just me being impatient though!
I didn't get one just because I was already needing to go to walgreens, but if you're worried about it, go buy another one or go to the doc. I'm sure they are fine, they are all the same except for digital and non-digital.
I didn't get one just because I was already needing to go to walgreens, but if you're worried about it, go buy another one or go to the doc.? I'm sure they are fine, they are all the same except for digital and non-digital.
I'm 9 wks pregnant and I've heard my baby's heartbeat, so I don't need to POAS again. Just curious bc of an earlier thread. ?
I'll admit to being a hpt snob. lol. I was willing to try them out but my DH, who is the cheapest person in the world (I kid you not) even said "I don't know if you want to be buying a hpt from the Dollar Store." So that did it for me.
But, I wasn't a big poas gal. I had a short lp so I knew if my temps were still high on day 9-10 that it probably meant I was pg. My cycle wasn't one that would give me false hope since if I wasn't pg, my temps would nose dive by 8-9 dpo if AF was coming.
I am a big fan of FRER. I think they work great. I got a bfp at 9DPO. I doubt a $Tree test would have done that for me but that's just my prejudice. The $tree tests could be perfectly fine. I know the ladies of the bump love them but I'm just not one of them.
I got a faint positive on a test strip from early-pregnancy-tests.com (like 90 cents a strip) and the next day I had a blood test that said my HCG was only 16. So I would say that is super sensitive!
I got a very definite second line at 14dpo with the $ tree tests so I didn't want to spend more money on the digitals. I just went to the nurse couple days later to get a blood test... and it was free!
Me: 44 DH: 42.
DS born healthy at 40 weeks 8/24/09.
TTC since then with no luck or ART.
Surprise BFP 8/6/14... MMC @ 8 weeks 4 days... Miss you everyday sweet baby angel.
I received my positive on an internet cheapie HPT. I ended up buying a digital for DH's sake though as he did not believe that a line is a line. (He thought it was too light) He was convinced once he saw the words pregnant.
Re: Just curious - cheapo HPTs
I love the $ Tree tests. I used them for DS and with #2. All were very accurate every time AND they were only a $1!!!
Can't beat that with a stick, lol.
I believe they are less sensitive, so if you are testing before AF is expected you may get a false negative... I went for the digital because I tested one day before AF.
Yes, they very much appeal to my penny pinching side!
I agree!! LOL. I couldn't bring myself to pay more and I knew I'd get the same response
I'm 9 wks pregnant and I've heard my baby's heartbeat, so I don't need to POAS again. Just curious bc of an earlier thread.
I'll admit to being a hpt snob. lol. I was willing to try them out but my DH, who is the cheapest person in the world (I kid you not) even said "I don't know if you want to be buying a hpt from the Dollar Store." So that did it for me.
But, I wasn't a big poas gal. I had a short lp so I knew if my temps were still high on day 9-10 that it probably meant I was pg. My cycle wasn't one that would give me false hope since if I wasn't pg, my temps would nose dive by 8-9 dpo if AF was coming.
I am a big fan of FRER. I think they work great. I got a bfp at 9DPO. I doubt a $Tree test would have done that for me but that's just my prejudice. The $tree tests could be perfectly fine. I know the ladies of the bump love them but I'm just not one of them.
My dollar store didn't have them... or I just wasn't looking in the right place.?
I just *knew* that I wasn't pregnant, so I ran into Target to grab the cheapest test I could find after hitting up the dollar store. ?
I got a lot of false positives - evap lines but before the 10 minutes was up - on the $tree tests.
I also wasn't able to get a positive on the $ tree until 2 days after I got a very clear one on FRERs.