2nd Trimester


This is driving me crazy. I am pregnant with my third child, I am 17 weeks. I am not feeling the baby move yet. I know that you do not really feel the baby until 16 weeks. But being number 3, I would think that I could feel him/her move by now. Had my dr appointment last week and got a good heart rate. Everything was great at the doctor. Anyone else in the same boat?

Re: Movements

  • I was in the same boat a couple weeks ago. This is my 4th pregnancy . I'm 21 weeks now. It's turns out the placenta is in the front so it was blocking the movements. I now feel baby but still not from the outside. My husband can't feel any of the kicks. I feel kicks to my bladder, etc. Don't worry. You'll feel baby soon. :)
  • I always heard first time mommies feel baby earlier than 2 or 3 baby mommies. I wouldn't worry too much.

    BabyFruit Ticker
    *~*Landon Robert Montoya*~*
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  • I am 23 weeks FTM and I feel flutters but nothing that I can say oh yup that is movement.

    Me (40) DH (42).......Married 7/1/11......TTC 12/2013.......BFP #1 12/30/12........EDD 9/8/13
    Spotting,clot 2/15/13 all ok......2/21/13 no heartbeat 11 w 4 d missed miscarriage........2/22/13 DnC :(
    BFP # 2 10.10.13...........EDD 6.19.14

      Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers


  • Cosmolove said:
    I always heard first time mommies feel baby earlier than 2 or 3 baby mommies. I wouldn't worry too much.
    Just the opposite actually. FTM usually feel movement much later than STMs. 

    That said there's a number of reasons you might not be feeling baby yet.

    1) Placenta could be blocking. Before 20weeks or so the flutters aren't going to be belly-shakingly strong so if baby is using the placenta as a punching bag instead of you- you probably won't feel it.

    2) Baby could be in an awkward position. If baby is kicking your spine, you will feel less movement even if the placenta is out of the way. And at 17 weeks movements are still small enough that "less" can equal "none"

    3) Lazy baby. Even if placenta is out of the way and baby is pointed straight at a nerve that you'd feel, if he/she is content to just float in the amniotic fluid and wave gently instead of thrashing around like a mongoose in a pillowcase- the movements are small enough and there's plenty of room to miss hitting the side of the uterus. Even lazy babies can be felt by the end of the third trimester because there's no room. At 17weeks though, there's still plenty of room.

    My last pregnancy I felt the baby at 15 weeks thrashing around like a cat in a sack. This baby was much more mellow and I didn't start feeling distinct flutters until 17 weeks and nothing regular or kick like until 24 weeks.
    Friends for 17 years. Married 10. TTC since Jan 2009.
    3 IVFs, 4 FETs, 11 transferred embryos, 3 losses (c/p, 6w, 17w)
    2012: Lost "Peanut" at 17weeks to PTL/IC.
     Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers
    2013: IVF#3/FET#4  Elisabeth CJ born April 30, 2014
    Cerclage, P17, and 3 months of bed rest brought us our Rainbow.
    Lilypie Premature Baby tickers
     Dum spiro, spero.
  • I am so glad to read this - I am 20 weeks with my second and have just been waiting for some movement. I am certain that I feel them, but I always brush them off. I think that I am just remembering the BIG movements from the end of my last pregnancy that I forget what the first ones feel like.
  • I wouldn't worry too much, I started feeling this baby moving and the little flutters around the 16 week mark.  Baby is still very small too, generally movement starts being felt around the 18-20 week mark. If everything is going well so far I wouldn't be too concerned.




  • I didn't really feel movement until I was 18 weeks along.  So I wouldn't worry!  It'll happen!
  • I am 21 weeks and all I feel is flutters that I then always question whether its something else -- digetstion, etc. I have not felt anythign yet that has been like: OMG that is my baby. I can't wait for that. I was dying to learn the sex. And now I am dying to feel him move. But what I hear from all of the other ladies further along is that I should continue to appreciate this time when I can still sleep through the night and my bladder isn't being used like a punching bag. I totally get that but am still excited to feel him moving and to know that he is doing just fine in there. 
    BabyFruit Ticker

  • I have been feeling flutters, bubbled feelings, definite movements since about 13 weeks. I am now 16 and it seems they are getting more obvious and more often. This is my first. I guess the placenta isn't in front. Don't worry ladies! If you got a good heartbeat, then you are GOOD TO GO!!
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