March 2014 Moms

Not Insane Anymore!!! (Qsflame Has an Outside baby now!)

The Good Stuff first:

Name: Niobe Graye S.
DOB: 2/19/2014
Weight: 7 pounds 1 oz
Length: 19 inches


I know I whined, cried and complained about my contractions last week. I wasn't crazy after all. It's been kind of a whirlwind since then.

Monday was my OB appointment, I had a NST. The nurse noticed that the contractions were very time able and went to get the doctor. My cervix was checked, no progression. On Tuesday, the real pain started, I could barely move, and the baby wasn't moving either. I decided I was going to L&D, I really didn't have any other choice.

They hooked back up and NST and did an ultrasound. Beside the contractions (which at home were 8 minutes apart... by the time I got to the hospital they were 2-3 minutes apart) everything looked completely normal. I had only slightly dilated to a fingertip. They decided because I was insistent to keep me overnight to monitor. I expressed complete displeasure with this because 2-3 minute contractions for HOURS is not a normal thing, nor was all the pain that I was in. 

The next morning the MFM that was assigned to the morning decided to go ahead and proceed with the C-section. I am soooooo glad that she did. I had a full placenta abruption, by the time they got Niobe out... she was gray and her hemocrit was very very low. After they rushed her to the NICU, I had a hemorrhage and needed a massive blood transfusion.

30 minutes after I finally got to recovery the NICU attending came in to tell me rather miraculously my daughter was out of hot water and was doing great. So great in fact that they were going to return her to me instead of keeping her overnight and they would not be charging me for the NICU stay. 

Recovery has been exceptionally rough with trauma after trauma, they are constantly watching for blood clots and such, especially since my heart rate is staying very elevated. Fortunately, they have decided I can be at home, I just have to attend a bunch of appointments for the next few weeks to watch the possibility of uterine issues or clotting issues. Niobe is doing great, she is sooooo fantastic and quiet. Thank all of you for the tremendous support you have been throughout all the contractions and other stuff I've been going through. You are a bunch of amazing women!

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